Page 72 of Bad Habits

Sister Suri with the sultry raven black hair and innocent, bright green doe eyes.

Sister Suri has had my head spinning since the second I locked eyes on her during the morning service her first day here. I haven't had that hard of time composing myself in public since I was a horny teenager.

Is Mother here to tell me that she would like to take Sister Suri back? That she needs her service at the Monastery more than we need her here? Please, by all means, get the sensual siren out of my sight. To have her here any longer will ruin me.

Then why haven't you sent her back yet?

"Is she alright? I haven't seen her in a few days." I shake the devil's voice out of my head.

"Yes, she's fine," her eyes practically fall out of her head due to the vicious eye roll she just gave, "she needed to take some time for reflection."

Good. I hope Sister Suri takes a mental health month after the other day.

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry, you were starting to tell me something regarding the Sister?"

"Well, I thought sending her here would give her the attitude adjustment she needed but, after what I found a couple of nights ago, I was very wrong. She doesn't belong with us, Father. She isn't one of us."

What she found out about me? Did Suri tell the Reverend Mother what she saw? It can't be, if that were the case, I doubt the Reverend Mother would be referring to me as "one of us."

"Reverend Mother, I am sure you don't mean that. We've been in this business for a long time, there have been numerous brothers and Sisters who took some time finding their place within our families."

"No, Father, you don't understand. She isn't a real nun. The police dropped her at the Monastery under a protective order."

What's this now?

Not a real nun? Protective order?

"She doesn't want to be here any more than I want her here," the Reverend Mother continues, "we are putting our lives and well-being on the line for her, and she acts as if it means nothing."

"Oh, I see."

My response is laced with concern, but I am not sure if I am more concerned about the Monastery or for Sister Suri.


Saying her name without the Sister title makes her even more desirable. Why am I not surprised that the little one is in some kind of trouble? She seems to have a habit of sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong. I've been worried for the past two days that she was going to come forward and tell someone what she saw, but it appears as though she hasn't. Is this why? Is it because she has a secret of her own?

Or is it because she can sense what you truly are?

That's enough out of you.

"So, what is it you need from me? You mentioned you found something out?"

"The girl needs discipline if she expects to stay here any longer. I've done what I can, but I'm afraid that her level of attitude and sin needs someone with a little bit more," she stops talking, and her cheeks flush, "experience."

Wait. What?

Could she know about me?

"What are you saying, Reverend Mother?"

"Father, forgive me," she pleads, "I know about your proclivity."

Using all of the control I have in my body, I still the muscles in my face hiding my surprise at this ambush. When I don't respond, the Reverend Mother continues.

"I went to the Monsignor with my worries initially. He is the one who advised me to send Sister Suri to you. He said that you would be able to corral her appropriately, making sure that she would know how to compose herself while she's under our protection. I didn't push for any additional explanation from him, but after what I found out she did in her room a couple of nights ago--"

"What did you find out, Mother? What did she do?"