Page 9 of Bad Habits

“She likes bigger cock then?” he jests, earning him another swift punch to the gut, causing him to double over choking and laughing. “Man, you’re in a good mood.”

“I know.” Shrugging, I kill the smoke with my boot before following Fletch into the foyer of the house. It’s big, fucking huge, with paintings that cost more than anything I own. The gold and marble make the place look gaudy, but that’s what the boss man likes. Over the fucking top bullshit.

He doesn’t call himself God for nothing.

“He here?”

Fletch nods. “Yeah, in the office. He has Sawyer and Amir in there at the moment.” We head into the kitchen to find Chloe smiling at Ayla as if they’ve just found a fucking diamond plot.

“Hey, handsome,” Chloe smirks, strolling toward me like she’s about to get a taste.Not today, darling.“Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Yeah, been busy, babe,” I press a kiss to her cheek to keep her calm before heading to the coffee machine and grabbing a mug. Once it’s filled, I turn to regard the team. “What jobs are you both on?” I question the girls.

Chloe is the queen bitch—beautiful, blonde, blue-eyed. She and Fletch could be family, siblings, but they’re so far from it. She goes undercover and swindles money from rich assholes who are addicted to her pussy.

She has an eye for art, so she travels to Europe, ensuring the deals God sets up bring in a lot of money for the organization. Only, the art in question is laced with all sorts of drugs.

Once the pieces are sold, we find the dealers and take them out, one by one. As much as I think Chloe is beautiful, I would never want to fuck her over. She’s lethal.

Then we have the sweet and innocent Ayla. Bright red hair, green eyes, and full, pouty lips. She’s our girl who gets into parties where the sex trade is rife with vile assholes. She’s tried to help me find Kahli so many times, but we’ve always failed. One thing about Ayla, she may look like a little doll, but she’s fucking deadly. She can take down a man double her size.

“I’m heading to Italy,” Chloe tells me. “Some rich asshole wants me to party with him on his yacht,” she informs us with a glint in her eye.

“Sounds like you’re on the usual,” I remark, lifting my coffee mug toward her. “And you, Ay,” I glance at the pretty redhead.

“I’m heading out to see our contact in Colombia,” she informs me with a blush, and I have to roll my eyes. She’s had a crush on the man in question since she first walked into his house.

Victor Cordero is everything a woman should steer clear from, but then again, so am I.

“You know he’s never going to marry you,” Chloe bites out, pinning her glare on Ayla. Like sisters in a fucked-up family, they’re always fighting.

“Who said I want a ring?” Ayla retorts. “Anyway, I better get going.” She rises, pressing a folder against my chest. “This is for you. I think it’s time you found your sister.”


She doesn’t respond, nudging her chin toward the folder. Ayla turns and heads out the door with me hot on her heels.

“What did you mean?”

“Boss man found a compound, but you need to go in undercover.”

“How do you know?” I question. My chest is tight when I think about what they’re trading, and my lungs struggle to pull in air. The thought of finally finding Kahli makes me nervous. Not because I don’t want her back, but I worry about what condition she’ll be in when I do find her.

“I know you think she’s dead,” Ayla tells me. “But I don’t think she would’ve given up so easily. Even though the darkness that surrounds these women we save may steal their hearts and minds, sometimes, their souls are stronger for it.”

“And what if they’re not?”

Her gaze lowers to the floor, and I know she’s thinking the same thing I am. This may be my last shot at finding her, my sister. I want to grab her, shake her to spill all the secrets, but I know it’s time for me to get out there and find Kahli.

“Kahn,” boss man’s voice comes from behind me, causing me to turn toward him. He’s dressed in an onyx pinstripe suit that seems to hug every curve of his muscles, almost to the point of tearing from his limbs.

“Sir,” I greet with a nod. “Good to see you again.”

“Meet me in the office in ten minutes. I’m going to grab a coffee, then I need some fresh air after my debrief from Amir and Sawyer,” he tells me, leaving me with Ayla as the two men on my team saunter into the foyer.

“Hey man,” Sawyer shakes my hand, pulling me in for a one armed hug. When he steps back, Amir shakes his head and offers me a small smile. That’s one thing about Amir, the man who came to us from God’s contacts in the Middle East — he’s a silent killer. He's known for walking into a house, taking out everyone without getting a scratch on his perfectly olive skin.

“Seems to be in a mood,” I remark, gesturing to where our boss has disappeared into the kitchen.