Alexander's sullen eyes turned even darker.

"You are going to take Valentine to Hipsterville and then never return," I said.

Alexander didn't reply.

"Then Valentine and Jagger have gotten their revenge! They've turned nothing more than rambling thoughts against us. They've gotten exactly what they wanted. They've destroyed you--and me!"

Tears streamed down my face.

I stood on the stairs, preparing to hear the door slam behind me.

Instead I heard nothing. But I felt the same familiar presence I'd felt behind me when I'd snuck into the Mansion. I felt a warm, gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Alexander still standing there, a tear in his eye. My gothic guy, my vampire-mate. He stood before me like a knight of the night.

He took my hand in his and held it to his lips.

"Raven, you understand that I cannot survive without the darkness, blood, and my coffin."

"I know...," I said, choking up.

"Since I've moved into the Mansion, I learned something."


"I cannot survive without you."

I smiled through my own raining tears. I fell into his arms and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Alexander caressed my hair. I gazed up into his dark, mysterious eyes. He kissed me.

"Jameson is waiting," he said softly. "I'll be back before you even miss me."

"I miss you already."

It took all my strength to tear myself away from Alexander.

Tears dripped down my face as I ran toward the car, already feeling his absence. Alexander could be away for days, weeks, even months.

"Why are you crying?" Billy Boy asked when I hopped into the Mercedes. "You'll see him tomorrow."

I pressed my hand to the window. I could see Alexander standing on the Mansion steps, his hand also raised toward mine, his shadowy image getting smaller and smaller as Jameson drove us farther away from the Mansion. The car pulled around the gate. I turned around. The Mansion door was closed.

Alexander was gone.

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