Jake's fishing boat, a twenty foot outboard that used to belong to his brother, sat up on a lift he'd built to keep barnacles from growing on the hull and the saltwater from eating at the paint, he'd just put a new motor on it.

Jake was taking Georgia out early the next morning for their inaugural fishing trip on the newly fixed boat. Meanwhile I would head out while it was still dark to photograph the sun rising over the beach for my newest set of post cards.

It's funny actually because Georgia had to literally be dragged out of bed on most mornings when the sun was already high in the sky, but when Jake was taking her fishing, her eyes sprang open before the sun had even started to peek over the horizon and was usually the one bouncing on our bed to wake Jake up first.

Jake picked up some sort of netting that was spread out on the grass above the seawall. He wrapped it around his arm a few times and set it in a bucket.

"What's that?" I asked him as he set the bucket down next to the storage bench.

"I'm teaching Gee how to throw the cast net tomorrow. Since she likes fishing so much, it's 'bout time she learned how to catch her own bait," he said, his southern accent had grown thicker since he'd come home to Coral Pines. I sometimes forgot that with all of Jake's inner turmoil, and all the things he was capable of doing, that some part of him was just a southern boy who liked to fish and tinker with trucks.

"That net thing is bigger than she is. How much does it weigh?" I asked, noticing that Jake’s very toned bicep muscles strained when he'd lifted the bucket.

"Oh, it's pretty heavy, but that one isn't hers," He said. "This one is." Jake reached behind the bench I was sitting on and grabbed a smaller bucket. He opened it and tilted it toward me so I could see the noticeable smaller net inside.

Of course, it was pink.

My heart broke in the best of ways.

"Duke over at the bait shop is starting to question my sexuality with all this pink fishing shit," Jake said with a smile. "Gonna have to start going to the big chain stores in Logan Beach to dodge the rumor mill."

"Fuck the rumor mill," I said. And I meant it. Anyone who came between Jake and Georgia doing something they loved together would have to answer to me.

"Yeah, fuck them, baby," Jake said, adding the smaller bucket to the boat. He lifted the panel cover for the electric to the lift and hit the switch to lower the boat into the water. It creaked and groaned, the sound of metal on metal made the hairs on my arm stand on end as the heavy wires that held up the boat slowly uncoiled from the spinning wheel at the top of the lift.

"What exactly are we doing?" I asked.

Jake ignored me and pointed to the back of the boat once it was fully floating on top of the water. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"Of course, you know she loves the boat. You put a lot of hard work into it and..." I stopped myself from saying anything else because I realized that it wasn't the boat he was talking about. It was what was written on the back of the boat. In bold cursive lettering to one side of the motor it simply read 'Gee'.

My throat felt like something was caught in it. "No Jake, she isn't going to like it. She is going to love it and freak out and not be able to stop talking about it for days."

Jake lit a cigarette. He looked pleased with my reaction and with himself. "That's what I was going for. You know it was between that and buying her a pony. I'm not cleaning up horse shit."

Jake smiled and stepped down into the boat, holding out his hand to help me onboard. Jake fired it up, and I took the seat next to his. He turned on the spotlight and backed us out of the dock. We puttered down the canal, the spotlight shining off the eyes of a few alligators, and scattered the iguanas lining the seawall, some of them diving into the water, others found refuge in the mangroves.

The open waters of the Coral Pines River shone orange with the glow of the full moon. Jake pressed down on the throttle, and it felt as if we were skating on top of the calm waters, the warm salty air skipping over the front windshield, tangling in my hair.

With all the ugliness I'd experienced here, it was easy to overlook how beautiful the place really was.

We were only on the open water for a few minutes before Jake slowed the boat in the middle of the river. He pulled to the side of a marker, killing the engine when we were hidden between the mangroves of a small cove. He tossed the anchor.

"Why are we out here, Jake?" I asked. It was so quiet my regular tone of voice sounded like a scream.

"I told you why, baby. I figured out a way to help you." He lit another cigarette, rested his elbows on his knees and leaned toward me. "And this is where I think I should do it," he said so quietly it was almost a whisper.

"Do what?" I whispered back. My heart now firmly in my stomach.

"You trust me, don't you?"

"Why do you keep asking me that?" Yes, of course I trusted him. I would trust him with my life and Georgia’s, but it was the second time he'd asked me the same question, and that was making me nervous.

Jake put out his cigarette in an old soda can and stood up, holding out his hands to me. "Come here," he said. Pleading with his eyes.

I opened my eyes as my orgasm hit. Staring up at the night sky, I clenched my thighs around Jake’s head as I was pelted by wave after wave of pure fucking pleasure, courtesy of sexy Jake fucking Dunn.


Jake didn't wait for me to come down. He stood, removed his belt, pulled down his jeans and in one swift motion flipped me onto my stomach, I gripped the edge of the boat to brace myself. I felt his knees against my ass and then he was seeking entrance, rubbing himself in my wetness before pushing his way inside. My body stretched to extreme lengths to accommodate his size and when he was fully seated inside my body, I felt so full I thought I was going to burst at the seams.

Jake thrust into me once. Hard. I shrieked in surprise, and my insides clenched around him. He bent over me with his chest over my back and kissed the base of my neck as he pulled out and thrust into me again. Hard.

The buildup was slow at first, but as Jake continued his assault on my sex, it continued to grow and grow until I was pushing my ass back toward him and silently begging for some sort of release. I heard a clicking noise and didn't realize what was happening until my orgasm slammed into me. I was vaguely aware of a sharp scratching sensation running down my arm but I was focusing on the release of the most amazing pressure. Everything inside me was alive and content. Jake grabbed my hips and with every deep thrust he pulled me hard against him. Faster and faster until he pushed in as far as he could, then pulled out. Hot liquid spurted out onto my ass.