“And as I say, we’re on a budget,” says Luke in implacable tones. “I’m sure you’d agree that successful budgeting is the first rule of a happy marriage, Jane?”

“Yes, yes, of course…” says Mum, looking distracted. Suddenly her face brightens. “The Greenlows!”

The who?

“Your cousins in Australia! They sent a check for your wedding present! I’ve been meaning to give it to you. It’s in Australian dollars… but even so, it’s quite a lot… ” She roots around in a drawer and pulls it out. “Here we are! Five hundred Australian dollars!”

“Fantastic!” I take the check from her and examine it.

“So now you can treat yourself and Jess to something nice!” Mum squeezes my arm with a smile.

“You see?” I say in triumph.

“OK. You win. This time.” Luke rolls his eyes.

Suddenly excited, I hurry into the living room.

“Hi, Jess!” I say. “D’you want to go out somewhere? Like to the shops?”

“Oh.” Jess looks taken aback. “Well…”

“Go on, love!” says Mum, coming in behind me. “Have a little spree!”

“We can go and have lunch somewhere… really get to know each other… What do you think?”

“Well… OK,” she says at last.


I feel a zing of anticipation. My first-ever shopping trip with my sister! This is so thrilling!

“I’ll go and get ready.”

“Wait,” says Jess. “Just before you go. I brought you something too. It’s not much, but…”

She goes over to her rucksack, opens it, and takes out a parcel wrapped up in paper printed all over with the words happy new year 1999.

That is so cool!

“I love kitsch wrapping paper!” I say, admiring it. “Where did you find it?”

“It was free from the bank,” says Jess.

“Oh,” I say in surprise. “Er… excellent!”

I rip off the wrapping and find a plastic box, divided into three compartments.

“Wow!” I exclaim at once. “That’s fantastic! Thank you so much! It’s just what I wanted!” I fling an arm round Jess’s neck and give her a kiss.

“What is it, love?” Mum asks, looking at it with interest.

To be honest, I’m not actually quite sure.

“It’s a food saver,” explains Jess. “You can keep leftovers in it, and they all stay separate. Rice… casserole… whatever. I couldn’t live without mine.”

As I start to feed the parking meter, I go through all the options in my head. We should definitely get a free makeover, and check out that new underwear shop Mum was talking about…

“How long exactly are we planning to stay here?” Jess asks as I shove in my sixth pound coin.

“This should take us up to six o’clock… and after that, parking’s free!”

“Six o’clock?” She looks a bit stunned.

“Don’t worry!” I say reassuringly. “The shops don’t close at six. They’ll be open till at least eight.”