I’m at a complete loss. What should I do?

“Everything’s in the fitting room,” Sandra puts in.

“Go on.” Jess nods.

“Well… OK,” I say at last. “I won’t be long.”

I try on most of the clothes, but my excitement’s evaporated. It’s not the same on my own. I wanted us to try things on together. I wanted it to be fun.

I just don’t understand it. How can she not try anything on?

She must totally hate my taste, I realize with a plunge of despair. And she hasn’t said anything because she wants to be polite.

“Any good?” says Georgina as I finally emerge.

“Er… yes!” I say, trying to sound upbeat. “I’ll take two of the tops and the pink skirt. It’s really gorgeous on!”

I glance at Jess, but she’s staring into space. Suddenly she comes to, as if she’s just noticed me.

“Ready?” she says.

“Er… yes. I’ll just go and pay.”

We head over to the front desk, where Sandra starts scanning in my purchases. Meanwhile Georgina is surveying Jess.

“If you’re not in the mood for clothes,” Georgina says suddenly, “what about jewelry?” She pulls out a tray from under the cash desk. “We’ve got some lovely bracelets in. Only ten pounds. This might suit you.” She lifts up a beautiful bracelet made of plain silver ovals linked together. I hold my breath.

“It’s nice.” Jess nods, and I feel a huge pang of relief.

“For Becky’s sister…” says Georgina, “three pounds.”

“Wow!” I beam at her. “That’s fantastic! Thank you so much, Georgina!”

“No, thanks,” says Jess. “I don’t need a bracelet.”


My head swivels in shock. Did she not understand?

“But… it’s only three pounds,” I say. “It’s a total bargain!”

“I don’t need it.” Jess shrugs.


I’m at a loss for words. How can you not buy a bracelet for three pounds? How?

“There you are, Becky!” says Sandra, handing over the rope cords of my carrier bags. There are two of them — all pale pink and glossy and scrumptious — but as my hands close round the handles I don’t feel my customary rush of delight. In fact, I barely feel anything. I’m too confused.

“Well… bye, then!” I say. “And thanks! See you soon!”

“Bye, Becky darling!” says Georgina. “And… Jess,” she adds. “See you again, I hope.”

“So… do you need any jeans?” I feel like I’m pushing a heavy rock uphill.

“No,” says Jess. “But you go ahead.”

“Maybe another time.” I force a smile. “It doesn’t matter.”

By now we’ve reached the corner — and yes! L.K. Bennett is having a sale!

“Look at these!” I exclaim in excitement, hurrying to the big window filled with colorful strappy sandals. “Aren’t they gorgeous? What kind of shoes do you like?”