“So? How was it?”

“It was…” I force a bright smile. “It was really good fun. We both had a great time.”

“What did you buy?”

“A couple of tops… a really nice skirt… some shoes…”

“Mmm-hmm.” Luke nods. “And what did Jess buy?”

For a moment I can’t speak.

“Nothing,” I whisper at last.

“Oh, Becky.” Luke sighs and puts his arm round me. “I know you wanted to find a soul mate. I know you wanted Jess to be your new best friend. But maybe you’ll have to accept that you’re just… too different.”

“We’re not too different,” I say stubbornly. “We’re sisters.”

“Sweetheart, it’s OK,” says Luke. “You can admit it if you don’t get along. No one will think you’ve failed.”


“We do get along!” I say, stung. “We do! We just need to find a bit more… common ground. So she doesn’t like shopping. But that doesn’t matter! I like things other than shopping!”

Luke is shaking his head.

“Accept it. You’re different people and there’s no reason why you should get on.”

“But we’ve got the same blood! We can’t be that different! We can’t be!”


“I’m not going to give up, just like that! This is my long-lost sister we’re talking about!”


I cut him off. “I know we can be friends. I know we can.”

With sudden determination I wrench open the car door and get out.

“Hey, Jess!” I call, hurrying across the lawn. “After your conference, do you want to come and stay for the weekend? I promise we’ll have a good time.”

“That’s a nice idea, love!” says Dad, his face lighting up.

“I’m not sure,” says Jess. “I really have to get back home… ”

“Please. Just one weekend. We don’t need to go shopping!” The words come tumbling out of me. “It won’t be like today. We can do whatever you like. Just have a really low-key, easy time. What do you think?”

My fingers are twisting into knots. Jess glances at Dad’s hopeful face.

“OK,” she says at last. “That would be nice. Thanks.”




Mrs Rebecca Brandon

37 Maida Vale Mansions

Maida Vale

London NW6 0YF

12 May 2003

Dear Mrs Brandon:

Peter Johnson

Customer Accounts Executive



So maybe my first meeting with Jess didn’t go quite as I planned. But this weekend will be better, I just know it will. I mean, in hindsight, the first meeting was bound to be a bit awkward. But this time we’ll have gotten through that first hurdle and will be far more relaxed and easy with each other. Plus, I’m far more prepared than I was last time. After Jess left on Saturday, Mum and Dad could see I was a bit down, so they made a pot of tea and we had a good old chat. And we all agreed it’s impossible to get on with someone straightaway if you don’t know anything about her. So Mum and Dad racked their brains for all the details they knew about Jess and wrote them all down. And I’ve been learning them all week.