“You care about me too, Katie. You can deny it, but we both know the truth. You don’t love each other like we did and just have it disappear.”

I swallow with his words and suddenly the conversation I was having right before the accident floats through my mind. I close my eyes. I can’t deal with this right now.

“Jake, I’m tired.”

“Then, rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

“You need to go home and take care of Lennon. He must be worried.”

“I promise you Lennon is fine. Would you like to talk to him?”

“He’s here? You shouldn’t have him here. He—”

“Katie, stop,” he murmurs, his eyes twinkling. I really shouldn’t notice anything about him—especially his eyes. He pulls out his phone and waves it at me. Then he pushes a button.


“Hey, Buddy. I thought you were getting ready for bed last time we talked.”

“I was, but Grandma and Nanny said I could stay up and watch a movie with them. Nanny is even making popcorn!”

“That sounds like fun. Before you do that, though, I have someone who would like to talk to you.”

“Mommy? She can talk now?”

“Yep, she can.”

He turns the phone around so I can see the screen and he’s face-timing my beautiful son.


I touch his face on the phone. “Hi, sweetheart.”

His little nose scrunches up. “You sound funny.”

“Mommy’s been sick, but I’ll be okay now that I’ve talked with you,” I answer, struggling to try and keep my voice from getting too weak.

“I know you will.”

“You do?”

“Yep. Jake promised he was going to take care of you.”

“He did, huh?”

“He did. He promised he would bring you home. He will, right, Mom?”

I look up to find Jake smiling at me. “He will,” I answer, not sure what else to say.

“Great. I miss you mommy.”

“I miss you too, sweetheart. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

“Mommy will be home soon.”

“Mommy needs to rest now, Buddy. We can call you tomorrow, okay?”