He’d never get that picture of her wrapped up in a blanket on the floor by his bed out of his head. Fuck’s sake, he’d just about stepped on her.

His emotions were all over the place, disorienting him. First, it was a surprise, then fear he’d hurt her. After that, it was rage at the way she’d been treated at Fowler’s, and then a huge wave of affection for her. He’d never felt that way about a woman before, and he’d only known her for hours.

Now, as he looked at her sleeping so peacefully next to him, there was a feeling of contentment he’d heard about but had never experienced before. It was bittersweet because he didn’t know if she’d ever be able to have a relationship with anyone after the abuse she suffered.

He thought about all the ways he could help her overcome the terrible things she suffered, but he also didn’t know what her life was like before she was kidnapped. There were probably more instances of abuse she’d suffered in the past that she’d have to deal with. Being in foster care was almost always distressing for a child. The fact she’d been adopted and then brought back to the orphanage not once but twice had to have been even more traumatizing for her.

There was so much he needed to learn about her, and he was excited. He hadn’t thought he would be. He thought she’d either be too terrified of him, or he wouldn’t feel anything, and he’d have to put in a call to Darian to come to get her. But when he saw her for the first time, it felt like a fist was squeezing his insides. The instinct to grab her and get her out of there was so overwhelming that it took everything in him to sit still and play the part.

He had wanted a woman like Larkin for a long time but didn’t think one would ever feel comfortable with him to give a relationship a chance. Then his business had grown so much he’d spent every waking moment in his office and very rarely ventured out of his home.

It was amazing how quickly his life had changed in a day. For the first time in years, he didn’t look forward to the next day’s stock market. Now, it was only Emily he saw. It wasn’t something he wasn’t entirely comfortable with, but he’d see where it went.

He’d have to see how the next few days went because things could happen that might tear her away from him, and his feelings for her were already this deep. He could see himself easily falling in love with her. This situation might have been the worst mistake he’d ever made because it could end up breaking his heart. But he’d do it all over again if it meant her freedom.

He rested his hand next to hers on the pillow between them, closed his eyes, and slept.