“No, I want to.”

He didn’t believe her because he could see that she was even more withdrawn before Susan got there. “Did she hurt your feelings?”

Emily shook her head. “I’m tired. Can I lie down?”

“Of course. You still want to be in my bed or the sofa downstairs?”

“Ye—oh, well. I don’t have to. I’m fine in my room.”

He pulled back the blanket. “No, I want you in here. You’ve been in here since the first night, and I don’t ever want to sleep away from you.”

“I … thank you. I like it, too.”

He got her tucked in and kissed her forehead. “Do you want me to rest with you?”

She shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m fine.”

He smoothed her hair away from her face. “Okay, I’ll check on you.”

At the door, he turned back to see her close her eyes.

Grey got on the phone before he sat down at his chair in his office. His first course of action was to call Darian, so he picked up his phone and dialed.

“This is Darian.”

“It’s me. I need your advice.” He told him about the whole situation, from meeting the woman to talking to Emily after.

“You have no idea what was said?”

“The Thomas woman talked about rape, but I can’t see Emily wanting to talk about it.”

“Especially after just meeting the woman,” Darian said. “And you said Emily wants her to come back?”

“She said that, but she had the same face that she had at Fowler’s.”

“You think she was lying?” Darian asked.


“There are two things I can think of to find out what’s going on. One is put cameras in the room they use.”

Grey exhaled. “Good idea, then I know exactly what’s being said.”

“Legally, we’re supposed to tell the woman she’s being taped, but I’d keep it between us in this circumstance.”

“I agree. What’s the other thing?”

“This is kind of unorthodox, but I can bring Larkin and a few of her friends over to play with Emily. They could get a corpse to talk.”

Grey laughed and relaxed. “How soon?”

“Maybe tonight. Let me make some calls and get back to you.”

“Hey, man, thanks.”


Grey hung up and stared across the room at nothing. If that woman hurt his baby, he didn’t know what he would do. He’d definitely ruin her, but he wanted her to hurt more.