Chapter Seventeen

Grey looked up when there was a knock at his office door. “Come in.”

Moses walked in. “Sir, there is an Alastair Maclean here to see you.”

Grey’s eyebrows rose. Now, why in the fuck would the mafia pay him a visit?

“Send him in.”

He didn’t have long to wait until a large man with dark hair and eyes walked in like he owned the place. He wore an expensive suit and carried himself much as a king would.

“Hello,” Grey said as he stood and reached a hand out to shake. “Have a seat. To what do I owe the honors?”

Alastair shook his hand and sat. “I’ve been made aware that someone in my organization was helping a family member set up a human-trafficking ring.”

“That’s what I know. Yes.”

“The man also kept a woman against her will?”

“Yes.” Grey let the man take the lead because he couldn’t see where it would go.

“You have her?”

Grey raised a brow. “Why?”

“I want to know she’s safe,” Alastair said.

“I can tell you that she is safe. So, you didn’t have anything to do with the smuggling?”

Alastair’s eyes hardened. “No. My family despises people who hurt the innocent ones.”

Grey nodded. “I’m the same way.”

“I wanted to drop by and tell you face to face that the problem has been taken care of.”


“The smuggling ring has been disassembled, and the man in charge has been dealt with.”

“You mean Fowler?”

Alastair nodded.

“So, Emily won’t have to go to court?”

“No.” He stood. “Please give my apology to her.”

“It wasn’t your fault, and you have helped her tremendously.” He stood and walked around the desk and held his hand out. “Thank you.”

“I have my own sweet woman at home, and there is nothing we wouldn’t do for them, is there?” Alastair asked.

Grey shook his head. “I can’t think of a single thing.”

“Have a good day.”

Grey heard the front door close before he went to track Emily down. He grinned when he found her on her hands and knees in the closet, sorting through her shoes.

“What are you doing?” he asked and then chuckled when she screamed and twirled around.