“He said this was the only chance you’re getting to set up a meeting with Marsh.”

Grey saw the indecision in Fowler’s eyes and decided to urge him to take the call. His eyebrows rose. “You know Marsh? That’s impressive.”

“Why yes.”

“I’ve been trying to meet with him for months.”

Fowler stood. “Then I hope you’ll understand I’ve got to take the call, but I won’t be long.”

Grey nodded.

“Emily will entertain you until I get back,” Fowler said and walked out of the room.

Grey looked at Emily as she walked over to him.

“W … what is it that you’d like me to do?” she whispered.

“Emily, look at me.”

She raised her head.

“I’m here to get you.”

“Wait. What?”

There he saw a spark of life.

“We’ve been in touch with someone in the household that told us about you. I work with an organization that helps people like you. This is your chance to leave. Are you ready?”

“Oh, I don’t know.”

“This might be your only chance, honey.”

Emily looked around and then nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Grey stood and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go.”

They walked into the foyer to see only his driver waiting. “Where’s the guard?”

“Taking a nap in the closet, sir.”

Grey snorted. “Let’s go.”

He was even more surprised to see a few of his men standing around the car and no guard. He chuckled when he caught sight of him“sleeping” in the bushes.

“You guys didn’t leave me any fun.”

They all grinned. “Sorry, sir.”

“Let’s get out of here because I will break his neck if he comes out.”

Saul held the car door open, and Grey pushed Emily in before he followed. His group took off toward home.

Grey turned to look at Emily to see her pressed tight against the side of the car.

“I promise you, baby, everything’s going to be all right.”

She nodded, but he could tell she didn’t believe him. He reached into a cabinet, pulled out a blanket, and then handed it to her. “Put this around you.”

She looked shocked, then relieved, and hurriedly covered herself up.

He studied her. She was a beautiful woman. Way too thin, but that could be changed, and it looked like she’d hadn’t bathed in a while. Even with that, he felt attracted to her but had no idea if she’d ever be able to have a normal relationship down the road after everything she’d been through.