Page 11 of Naughty List

“This way.” I take him through the doors and to the locker room so in case anything else happens, he knows where to go.”

Marjorie sees me walking in with Ice and wiggles her eyebrows.

“I’ll come right here to pick you up later.” He kisses my cheek and leaves.

Marjorie walks over to me. “Okay, who was that? Are you dating him?”

“That is my ex, Ice, and we started seeing each other again. But I need to tell you what just happened and why he was walking me in.”

“What happened?”

“A masked man attacked me outside of the entrance. Ice was able to stop him before he really hurt me. I’m fine. I just want to get clocked in for work.”

“Like heck you are. You’re going to the ED and getting checked out. I have a feeling that Dallas followed through with his threat.”

“I can’t prove that because of the mask, but I’m okay. I’m just going to clock in.”

“Sunny, you are not. You’re going to the emergency department and getting checked out because this needs to be documented.”

I sigh in defeat. “Fine, I’m going.”

I walk to the emergency department downstairs and check-in, letting them know why I need to be seen. With me being staff and this being an attack on property, I’m ushered into a room quickly, where it soon becomes Grand Central Station with doctors, nurses, higher-ups, and hospital security. I’m not going to be able to see my patients today, and that makes today suck even more.



After I walked Sunny inside, I came back outside and looked around to see if I could spot that fucker that put his hands on Sunny. He’s as good as dead when I find him. I call my brother and let him know what’s going on.

“Hey, brother,” I say as I hear him answer.

“What’s up, Ice? Calling before our weekly check-in, something up?”

“Yea, some fucker thought it was a good idea to attack Sunny outside of the hospital,” I grit out as I look around, seeing if anything is out of the ordinary.

“Did you get a hold of him?” Concern laces his voice.

“No, he ran before I could get to them.”

“Sunny okay?” he questions because I know how much he likes her. He’s always busting my balls for letting her go.

“You know how she is, stubborn. She wanted to work still, so I’m sitting in the parking lot waiting for her to get off.”

“You should get her away from there for a few days and bring her here.”

“I like that idea. I’ll do that.”

“Good. I’ll get a room ready for ya. Let me know what the plans are for getting here, and we’ll welcome you the right way.”

“Thanks, brother, see ya soon.”

I hang up my phone and then get a text from Sunny.

Sunny:They are sending me home. Can you pick me up in ten minutes?

Me:I never left. I’m in the parking lot. I’ll meet you at the door.

Sunny:Thank you.