Page 19 of Naughty List

I strike his face, connecting with his nose, and blood gushes out as the sound of bones breaking echoes in the container. The man cries out that that doesn’t stop me. His face will be mangled by the time I’m finished with him.

The next swing is with my left and connects with the right side of his face, cutting open his cheek. Then I punch with my right, hitting his eye and the swelling is instant. I laugh in his face.

“Are you or any of the fuckers in your gang messing with our deals?” I ask again.

“I ain’t sayin’ shit to you fuckers.”

“We’ll see about that.” I chuckle and grin.

I turn his face into my punching bag. His head rocks left to right as I punch and punch. His eyes are nearly swollen shut, and blood’s dripping off his chin draining from his mouth. Gashes and cuts fill his face. I’m just getting warmed up.

“Anything you want to say before I continue?” I smirk.

The guy doesn’t say a word.

I laugh. “You’re going to tell me what I want to know because over the years, I’ve fine-tuned my torture techniques . . . and you will be talking before I’m finished.”

“Fuck you,” the Guatemalan spits.

A chuckle escapes my lips as I pull out my knife from my boot. I make sure it’s sharp by slicing the leg of his boxers open. I know damn good and well it is. I sharpened it this morning, but I want to see if I can scare the shitstain before I get to work.

Oh, this will be fun, like scaling a fish.

I grab his right hand and take his thumb, placing the blade of the knife between the nail and flesh, and slowly push through the layers of skin and nerves, peeling the fingernail away from the nailbed. He hisses in pain, but he doesn’t utter anything in English.

The man moves around in his chair, but the chains don’t allow him to move. Instead, they bite into his skin, ripping his flesh, and blood runs down his arms and back with each movement he makes. I move onto the index finger and peel back his fingernails one by one, taking my time, making the pain last as long as possible.

As I reach the pinky on the left hand, the guy screams. “I’ll never tell you what you want to know.”

That’s what he thinks. I look around on the makeshift bench to see what tools there are in here. My eyes land on a pair of wire cutters, and I grab them and work them, opening and closing the cutters to make sure they are what I want to use.

“This might hurt a little.” I laugh and grab his right thumb, and he tries to move again, but I place the clippers around his thumb and use both of my hands to press the handles together, cutting the appendage off from the hand. The force causes the thumb to fly behind me, and the guys laugh.

“Watch where you throw those things,” Fury hollers as he moves back, laughing.

I move on to the next thumb. The motherfucker won’t even be able to jack off without thumbs. His movements are slow, and I know he’s almost at his breaking point. Maybe one more. Then I move to his ring fingers, and I slow down between each cut because I want the burning pain to be intense. I want him to feel like he is dying or wishes he was dying. I don’t stop chopping them off until he is begging me to stop.

“No mas! No mas!” he screams. “No more. I’ll tell you what you want to know,” he cries.

“Are our dealers being followed?” I ask.

“Sí, yes, yes. The dealers are being followed, so they can go to the location and sell drugs before your dealers get there.” He lisps because his lips are swollen and bloodied.

“Did the 17’s mess with our dealers and kill them?” Breaker asks.

“No, the 17’s wouldn’t do that. They just want the drug money. They don’t want to take anyone out.” His eyes are too swollen shut, so I can’t see into them.

“I call bull shit,” Breaker says as he pulls the guy’s head back.

“I swear on my abuela’s grave. That’s what I know. I’m just a runner. I don’t get any of the information,” he sobs.

“Let this piece of shit go back and let his people know that we’re on to their shit. Send his fingers too. Good luck getting them back onto your hands,” Breaker spits out.



Middle of January