Page 26 of Naughty List

Sunny is sleeping peacefully. I take my boots and cut off and climb into bed with her. She shifts and rolls over on her side, away from me, and I pull her into my body, holding her while her body fights off whatever she’s feeling.

As much as I love being inside of her, fucking her, holding her close is probably the best feeling. I think about all the times I’ve messed up things between us. Being away from her made me realize how much I wanted to lock her down and make her mine.

I’m making her mine sooner than later because I don’t want to spend any more time away from her than I already have. She’s mine, and everyone is going to know it. I smile, and calmness flows through my body. Things are finally falling into place like they should have years ago if my head was out of my ass.

Sunny saved my life that day . . . and I’m going to thank her every day for the rest of my life. I fall asleep with her in my arms, thankful for being here.



After three days home and a lot of sleep, I’m going back to work to cover for the nurse who helped out the other day when I was really sick. I’ve missed working with the children, but I enjoyed being taken care of by Ice. I still can’t believe that he came and took care of me like he did and didn’t complain at all. He even took care of Nala, and he’s not a cat person. Although, I think Nala is helping him change his mind.

I pull into the parking lot and look around before getting out of my Jeep and walking into the building. The locker room is void of staff when I arrive, and that’s not a good sign. I get clocked in and head up to the unit. When I get there, I see that we are short-staffed, and when I arrive at the nurses’ station, there are only three nurses on the floor since a couple are on break.

“Hey, Marjorie,” I say as I sit in a chair to go through charts.

“Girl, I’m so glad to see you. It’s going to be one of those days, so be prepared to not sit down for the rest of the day.” She shakes her head.

“Don’t say that. You’ll jinx us.”

“Too late. I came in early because Samantha got sick and went home. Since then, the alarms have been almost none stop—”

A code blue alarm rings through the unit, and the nurses get up and run to the room. One of the parents freaks out, and Marjorie calls for an assist. Calvin rushes into the room to handle the parents and to keep them back.

Then a second alarm sounds.

“Sunny, go into the break room and get the girls. We need as much help as possible. Take them and go to the other code.”


I rush out of the room and head toward the break room. As I’m going, I feel someone behind me. Turning around, Dallas is right behind me, and I can’t avoid him. He pulls a gun out on me.

“Justice is coming, bitch!” he seethes, and spittle flies out of his mouth. He’s irrational and not thinking about his actions.

“Dallas, please think about what you are doing. If you think we did Imogen wrong, then let the courts handle it.” I attempt to calm him down and talk softly, trying not to agitate him further.

“The courts aren’t going to do shit to you or this fucking hospital. Since I can’t get anywhere legally, this way will make sure Imogen gets what she deserves.”

The click of the hammer echoes around me, and time stands still as I wait for the pain to ravage my body, but it doesn’t happen as I’m pushed out of the way to the floor. I blink, and Marjorie’s lifeless body lies on the ground in a puddle of blood, and I’m unable to move because I don’t know what Dallas is going to do next. Calvin comes rushing around the corner and tases Dallas. In the chaos, he manages to get the gun away from Dallas and get him detained.

I crawl to Marjorie and try to stop the bleeding, and I call out for help, hoping that someone will come and help her. No one comes in time, and she bleeds out on the floor in front of me. Chaos erupts around us as security and other staff make it to the unit.

The staff takes over, trying to revive Marjorie and rush her body to the ED to see if they can bring her back. I sit on the floor, attempting to wrap my head around what happened. One man’s grief has probably ended Marjorie’s life, and the grief from the loss of her will be felt by so many.

Calvin helps me up and gives me a hug once the police take Dallas into custody.

“The detective wants to talk to you. He has some questions for you.”

“Okay, can we go somewhere else to talk?”

“Yes, we’ll go to my office. Do you want to get cleaned up first?”

I look down at my hands and scrubs. Marjorie’s blood covers my body. “I need to.”

“I’ll ask one of the female security officers to escort you, so you feel safe.”

“Thank you, Calvin.”