Page 28 of Naughty List

“Don’t be lyin’ to yourself.”

“I’m really not,” she huffs.

“Maybe not, but I’m still driving.”

“Fine,” she says and smiles. “I’m ready if you are.”

“Let’s get out of here and enjoy the beautiful weather.”

I pull her into me for a hug, then kiss her as I grab her ass, pulling her into me as much as I can. She chuckles as I squeeze her ass.

“If you keep that up, we aren’t going to get to enjoy the weather, Ice,” she smarts off.

I let go of her, grabbing her hand. We walk out the door and head to my bike.

The ride to the northeast side of LA is gorgeous. Having Sunny on the back of my bike makes any day amazing. Monterey Hills doesn’t feel like it’s in LA. It has a lot of trees and bushes around the houses and a huge park that doesn’t feel like the city.

I pull over outside of the park. “How does pizza sound?”

“Sounds good. We haven’t had pizza for a while.”

“There’s a little hole in the wall that’s close to here that has good pizza.”

“Let’s go.”

I drive to Bambino Stone Pizza and park the bike. After turning off the bike, I help Sunny dismount from the back, and I follow her. We walk up to the red brick building with a patio.

“What kind of pizza do you want?” I ask Sunny as I look over the menu.

“You know I’ll eat anything.”

“Anchovies and mushrooms it is then.” I smirk.

“Asshole. All the meats, minus the anchovies.”


“Absolutely, with cheese sauce.”

“I’ll order if you want to sit down.”

“Sounds good.”

I watch her as she picks out a table and sits down, and I order our food and drinks. Afterward, I sit down next to her and take her hand in mine. Our drinks and food quickly come out, and we eat in comfortable silence.

Once we are done, we leave and take a ride to Ernest E. Debs Regional Park in Montecito Hills. I turn the bike off and get off. Sunny looks at me.

“What are we doing here?”

“I thought we could use a little walk after eating all that pizza . . . and I want to fuck you by the lake.”

“Sex in public?”

“Where’s your sense of adventure, Sunny?”

“Lead the way.” She giggles as I help her off the bike and keep her hand in mine.

We follow the trail to Deb Lake, and I look around for a little secluded place where I can fuck Sunny. There’s a dense thicket off to the right of the path, and I look around before pulling her into the area behind me.