Page 33 of Naughty List

“Let me see the pee stick.”

Sunny stands up and pulls the plastic stick out of her back pocket. I look at it.Pregnant.Fuck. I can’t believe this. There’s no way I’m letting her get away this time.

“Sunny, you’re mine. For now, and forever. I’m claiming you as my ol’ lady,” I say as I pull her to me, kissing her hard. “I should have done this a long time ago. Now, it’s time to do this shit right. I love you.”

“I love you too, Ice.” Sunny smiles.



One Month Later

Spending time with my family was amazing. I’m still trying to wrap my head around being pregnant. I haven’t let the hospital know yet, because I haven’t been to the OBGYN to confirm. I go next week to get checked out. Since I’m older, the pregnancy will be high risk, but I’m not worried about it too much. I take care of my body, and I’ll do so even more now.

Work has been going well. I miss Marjorie so much, but I will continue to work hard because of her. She believed in me and my work. I’m grateful to have had her in my life. I pull into work, remembering the conversation I had with Ice about working as I walk inside.

“Sunny, you don’t have to work. I’ll take care of you.”

“It’s not that I need to work, Ice, it’s that I want to work. I love working with the kids.”

“As long as you’re takin’ care of yourself and the baby is doin’ okay, I won’t say much about you working. But if anything happens to you or the baby, I’m gonna say shit.”

“I get it, Ice. I’ll make sure to take care of both of us.”

The unit is calm when I make it to the nurses’ station. Brenda’s sitting where I normally do, so I sit at another computer and get situated.

“Hey, Sunny.”

“Good morning, Brenda. How’re things going?”

“We have some discharges this morning.”

“That’s fantastic!”

“It’s a good way to start the week.”

“It is.” I login to the computer so I can check my patients’ charts.

“Sunny, before you get far into the computer system, can we go to the office and talk?” Brenda asks.

Nerves bubble in my stomach.Oh, shit. Am I in trouble?“Yes, of course.”

I get up, and we walk into Marjorie’s old office. Brenda doesn’t sit down behind the desk. She sits in one of the two chairs in the front of the desk, and I sit beside her.

“The reason I wanted to talk to you is that I’ve put in for you to be promoted to charge nurse for the floor. I appreciate the way you’ve been handling things since the accident. While you don’t have the typical time we usually look for, you are a great fit.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, Sunny. Everyone loves you, and your performance is excellent. You work hard, and you make sure that the patients’ care comes first. You will make an amazing charge nurse.” Brenda smiles.

“Thank you, Brenda. This means so much to me. Marjorie was an amazing example of a leader, and I hope I can be half as good as she was.”

“You will be. Congratulations.”

“Thank you!” I can barely hold my excitement.

We go back out and get to work. The day flies by, and it’s a great day when children get to leave our unit and go home with their parents. I clock out and walk out to my Jeep with my bags and phone in my hands. Unlocking it, I get in and lock the doors before I turn over the ignition.