Page 16 of Cherished

“Gabriele DiGiovanni. The DiGiovanni family is behind it,” Marianna speaks up. Everyone goes quiet, and I turn to my father, not knowing who this family is.

He speaks lowly, “The DiGiovannis are the Italian Mafia. We had been on good terms with them until now…now this means war.”

“What is the course of action, and how will we handle the Russians in this mess?” an older gentleman asks.

“We’re discussing the best way for us to respond. We have no reason to believe that Gabriele knows that we’re aware of his…betrayal,” Ion says, his tone showing how angry he is. “As far as the Russians go, Mariana has a truce with her cousin Aleksandr. Our concern is with Valentin, wherever he may be.”

The doors open abruptly, and everyone turns in the direction of the intruder. I almost half expected it to be Gabriele busting in here with a bunch of guns, but instead, it’s a woman. She’s drop dead gorgeous with long, flowing dark hair. She’s so beautiful that I wonder how she’s even real. A tall, muscular man comes inside with her. Scars riddle half of his face. He looks like a real life monster. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic is a bitch.”

Low whispers start amongst the group, it seems that this woman’s arrival is a shock to everyone. Mariana looks over to her, “It’s about time you showed up. We were just discussing our alliance with Aleksandr.”

“Ah. Well, listen up to your Queenie. Aleksandr is taking the bratva from his father Valentin, very shortly. Valentin has discussed this with Aleks, and the transfer will be happening soon. Aleks runs all fronts of the bratva at this time, and Valentin is nothing but a relic. We can trust Aleks’ word.”

“For anyone who is wondering, this is Katya Petrov, Mariana’s half-sister.”

“I’ve never been happier for you to not be a Kolosov,” the red headed woman says to her.

Katya smirks while looking to the man next to her. “You and me both.”

“Our main concern is the Italians. They are the more immediate threat, and after Mariana and I discuss what is our best action plan, we will make an announcement.” Ion then looks in my direction. “It is a pleasure to finally have you here, Willow. We have been waiting for a long time.” He turns his attention to my father. “Have you found a suitable husband for your daughter yet?”

I laugh, and I mean belly laugh in front of these close minded men. “I will not be forced to marry anyone. This is 2018, we aren’t back in the 1800’s where this shit was acceptable.”

Ion chuckles, “I should have known you would have a fierce spirit. Your father loves to argue as well. You will end up finding someone suitable to marry, of that I have no doubt.”

I didn’t know what to expect coming into this meeting, but now I know to expect nothing but the unexpected. I feel like this is going to be a wild ride.