Page 31 of Cherished

Chapter Twenty-Four


Everything is black; nothing but darkness encases me. I can’t move my hands, nor my legs. These assholes have me tied up like a pig getting ready to roast. I think they must’ve knocked me out because all of a sudden, I felt tied down, restricted, unable to move even an inch. I knew better than to panic, though. It wouldn’t do me any good and would only serve to notify them that I was awake, ready to do whatever they have planned for me.

“Will, you awake, love?” Felix murmurs, I can smell his cologne, and it brings back so many memories. I’m shocked that he even uses the same one, especially after all these years have passed.

So many emotions flood through me; disbelief, shock, anger... I can’t keep up with the torture that my mind plagues me with. “What on Earth have you done?” I whisper out, unable to hold back the hurt and agony in my voice. That is what I feel – betrayed. Why wouldn’t he have come for me sooner? Why wouldn’t he have reached out, or let me know that he was alive? This hurts more than watching him die…it hurts so much more knowing that he chose to live through these years without me. He chose to be away from me…how the hell am I supposed to comprehend all of this?

“I did what I needed to do, love. You know I always do what needs to be done, no matter the cost. I had to wait for you, so I did. It’s as simple as that,” he states, bringing his thumb under my blindfold and yanking it down, exposing the light.

My expression twists into hatred, “As simple as that,” I repeat. “There is nothing simple about it. Not one damned thing. I thought you were fucking dead, and what…you were fine this entire time? I stopped my life because of you. I fucking held myself back from ever being happy cause I was so hung up on you!”

“I had to wait, Willow. We had to wait until it was the right time.” I listen to the words he speaks, and it hits me. Duncan is right, Felix is working with the Italians. He seems to be their pawn though, the fucking idiot. I need to get it through my head now that the man who stands before me is not the one I fell in love with. He’s changed into something that I no longer recognize, a man who obviously doesn’t care whether I’m safe or not. If he did, I’d never be in this situation in the first place.

“You are despicable.” I seethe out, staring at him, wanting him to know how disgusted I am.

Felix grabs me by the chin, holding on tightly as he squeezes, so harshly that I feel his fingernails digging into my skin. “You’re going to fucking marry me, Willow. Just like we had planned all those years ago. You will be my wife.”

I jolt in the chair I’m seated in, even though I’m bound tight to it. I can’t help but want to lash out at him, to show him just how angry I am. “Over my dead body, because I will never marry you.”

“It doesn’t really matter, love. I’ll do whatever I want to you.” Suddenly I feel a sharp stick in my neck, and everything starts to go black once more. Motherfucker. He’s drugging me!