Page 35 of Cherished

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My legs shake involuntarily out of nerves as I wait to be called back into the office. I have come to the clinic, intending on ending this pregnancy. Not because I have never wanted a child or because there is a problem in having a child with Duncan, but because I cannot force another Adame to come into this world; the mafia world. I just cannot do that to a sweet, innocent child.

Some of my men are stationed outside the building to be sure I am safe, but I insisted on doing this alone. Even Duncan is not here. I told him that this was my decision, and I would make it if and when the time came. He doesn’t know today is the day, but I will tell him when it’s done.

He has done so many things to try and change my mind, and my heart hurts for him. I think he takes this personally. I never saw Duncan as the kind of man to want to be a father, but since learning that he could be, it’s all he wants. I don’t want to let him go, but if I have to in order for him to have what he wants and needs, then I will.

But I don’t have to decide right now, I have too much on my mind at the moment. I don’t know why I feel such unease. I am not scared of the procedure, and I do not feel guilt. There is something else that I just can't put my finger on right now.

They call the next name, and I practically jump in my seat. I dare to look around me and see all the faces and people that are here, and I know that some may be here for the same reason as me, but many are here for other things; for an exam, for medications, for an ultrasound. In fact, I see a woman in the corner with two children running around and a large belly, swelling out from under her shirt. She looks exhausted, but she also looks complete. Like she knows who she is and where her life is going and is okay with it.

That’s when I know, I can’t do this.

The thing is, I am young. This kind of scare could easily happen more than once, no matter how careful I am. And I do not plan on not expressing my physical feelings for Duncan or whatever man I am with just to prevent this. I am letting fear control me.

I sigh, and I wonder if I should get up and just walk out or wait to tell someone. But I am afraid if I speak, I will chicken out. This is the first time I have truly allowed myself to realize who I am.

Like it or not, I am an Adame. I am the leader of a prominent mafia clan. This is something that I cannot escape no matter where in the world I go. And fighting it means missing out on the short life I have. It’s time to embrace this, even if I hate it. And it opens up my eyes to what I want.

I want Duncan.

I want a family.

I want to change this damn old-fashioned way of doing shit.

And I want to give the order to kill Felix.

No, I want to be the one to do it myself. I have to be if I am to solidify and prove to myself and everyone else once and for all who it is that I am. Fear won’t control me, but I have to use it to control everyone else if I am to survive and thrive in this life.

I get up and bust out the door, looking to the men standing like statues at the door. "You will take me to where Felix is being held," I order them, not waiting for a response as I walk towards the armored vehicle which holds two more men that are there for my protection. The Italians are still out there. Felix is only the beginning, and Duncan insists that I need as much protection as possible. After all I have seen now, I can’t say I disagree.

We climb in, and I give one more order. "Call Duncan and have him meet us there."


I can tell that a few of the men have already had a little fun with Felix. His right eye is black, and he has some blood stains on his collar, but nothing major. At first, he looks hopeful. Actually bloody hopeful that I am there to free him or something. What is wrong with this guy?

"Thank goodness, it’s finally you, Willow. We need to talk. I know I have been really harsh with you. The training I have had with the Italians has made me that way. But I promise, I am not the bad guy. Just let me go, and we can be together like we always wanted," he says. What a desperate asshole. I don’t get where he gets the impression that I am such a weakling with no sense at all.

"It insults me that you think that I am going to fall for any of your bullshit, Felix, if that is even your name. I am here to take care of business," I tell him just as I hear the sound of the door opening and then shutting again. I glance back only for a moment to see that Duncan has joined me.

Felix’s façade falls, and he looks pissed as he sees that I am not doing this alone. I think he may finally get the bloody picture.

He comes up behind me, and I shiver as he whispers in my ear. “You will tell me where you were when the men called,” he says, and I know he has figured out where I have been. Luckily, the news I have for him is good news. But this is not the time or place for it.

“I will,” I say and leave it there.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks, and I nod, reaching under my skirt to pull out the gun I now carry with me at all times. It is part of what I do, and I need it to both protect myself and teach crazy fucks like Felix a lesson.

“I want to know everything first though,” I tell Duncan, and Felix is practically foaming at the mouth at this point. He doesn’t like seeing us together. I don’t know how in the years we spent together I never noticed his pure possessiveness and controlling nature, but it had to be there a little for it to come out so violently now.

“So be it,” he says, cocking his own gun. There is some high in this, doing this together, and I know where I am going to have him after this if I get a say in it. That is, if I can do this to another human being without breaking down.

I turn back to Felix and plaster a maniacal smile on my face, pointing the gun at him. “Before you die, you’re going to tell me who you work for, what they want, how you survived, and why you are involved in all of this. You will tell me everything before I give you the mercy of death, do you understand?”

He cackles and spits at me. He barely hits the tip of my shoe, and I grimace. The game is on. Duncan is ready to step in if I can’t do this, but this part is easy. I am so angry at him right now for all he has put me through. The torture will be easy in the beginning. It’s the end I am worried about.