Page 38 of Cherished



2 years later…

I stare at the little man running around the garden like his tushie is on fire and shake my head. No one could have prepared me for motherhood and certainly not like this. I was terrified at first, petrified even of bringing his innocence into this horrific world. I may not have known this back then, but that was the first signal that I was meant to have him. I was already thinking like a mum would.

“Graham!” I shout, seeing as he’s heading straight towards the fish pond Duncan had fought me on adding. He said it’d be a great idea, whereas I argued. I told him Graham would drown in it, and look what just about happened. He flips his head back in my direction and smirks, bending down on his knees and sticks his hands in the water. I start to walk over towards him, and the next thing I know he has a fish and throws it out on the grass. Oh my word!

I dash over and pick the slimy thing up, tossing it back into the pond. Poor thing, at least now it’ll be able to breathe. Graham laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever seen and does it again. This time, I grab the fish and scoop my little tyke up into my arms. He’s the perfect combination of Duncan and I. He’s blessed with his father’s beautiful blonde hair and my dark as midnight eyes. Olive skin runs across his body, and his father’s smile beams through him.

“Fishie!” He points to the pond, pouting at me. He’s so much like his father; stubborn as hell.

Harris cackles in the background and speaks up, “You just had to fight Duncan on the dog.”

“Yes, I most certainly did. We don’t have time for a dog, you know that. We’re always running around and handling business. Who’d be at home with the poor thing?”

“Gee, I dunno. Your Dad’s two ancient shits and the entire household staff?”

I roll my eyes at Harris, part of the reason I didn’t want to add another dog into the mix is because my father’s dogs are getting older, and I don’t want to add additional stress onto them. It’s hard enough with Graham wanting to play with them all the time, another dog would only serve to upset them.

I walk into the house, and within a moment hear Duncan’s booming voice, “There’s my little Graham Cracker!” Our son giggles and wiggles as much as he can until I set him down onto the ground. He darts over to his daddy for some hugs and loving.

“If I knew you were going to call him Cracker I wouldn’t have let you name him Graham.”

“Why would I tell you my master plan before his birth certificate was signed?” Duncan smirks, talking in hushed whispers to our son. I can’t hear a damn thing he’s saying, but I know he’s up to no good. “On a more serious note, did you hear about what happened to the Mackenzies?” The Mackenzies are the Irish Mob. They’re good allies to the Clans, so immediately I am worried.

“No, what’s happened?” I ask.

“Greer and Sloane were in a crash this morning with Aleks and Aleksei.” Aleksandr Volkolv, the leader to the Russian Bratva. Greer and Aleks have been dating for quite a while now, much to both of their fathers’ disapprovals.

“What’s happened to them?”

“Aleks, Greer, and Sloane are okay. Aleksei, on the other hand, isn’t. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.”

“Oh my god…” I cover my mouth with my hand as my heart breaks for Sloane Mackenzie. It was no secret that she’s been in love with Aleksei. “The poor girl.” Duncan has a stern look dragged across his face, “What is it? What are you thinking right now?”

“That the Italians are either fucking with more families, or that Valentin is behind the killing of his son’s only brother.”

“Jesus Christ…”

“I know,” he says, looking down to our son who doesn’t have the slightest idea of what just unraveled. That innocence, that is what we’re going to protect. No more children will be slaughtered, no more families will be ripped apart. We have a duty, and a job.

“Do Ion and Mariana know?”

Duncan shakes his head, “I don’t believe so. I’ve already texted Ion and asked him to call me when he wakes up. If Desmond needs our support, he will have it.”

I nod in complete agreement. The Mackenzie’s are our friends, and we’ll do anything to help them in their time of need.

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