Page 6 of Cherished

Chapter Five


Being stuck on that jet with Willow for almost a day wasn’t my idea of relaxing. Matter of fact, nothing has really been that relaxing as of late. The moment we landed in London, the lot of us were nothing but exhausted. Even with that exhaustion, Willow still managed to look at me as if I were the devil reincarnate himself and gave me a rude awakening of sass. I was hopeful she’d be exhausted and wouldn’t speak. Too bad I wasn’t that lucky.

We made our way to Kristof’s townhouse and everyone was able to go to their own bedrooms to rest after our long travel. Kristof had someone meet Willow as soon as we were through the door and escort her to her bedroom. As for the rest of us, we were free to go about as we usually do. I know that the old man is keeping her under lock and key, and a tight one at that.

I’d had shit sleep after we got back home. It seemed that I’d only be lucky enough to get just a few hours of shut eye. I might be anxious. Why, I’m not really sure. It could just be the fact that we’re back here and Willow knows who I work for, that not everything I said to her was the truth. Oddly enough, it hurts. I’ve always been in the business of security, but this time it’s different. Where I usually wouldn’t care so much on what a client thinks – I do when it comes to Willow. I don’t want her to view me as this rude person who doesn’t give a damn about her and only cares about the job. Because that’s not who I am. I care so much about her, too much if I’m being honest with myself.

I make my way down the stairwell after I’ve had a quick shower and make myself ready for the day. Normally I’d head straight into the kitchen for some coffee, but I feel like the need to talk to Kristof is more urgent than my cup of joe fix.

I know where he’ll be. It’s where he always is at this hour. In front of his laptop in his study, doing whatever it is that he does. Even after being here for years, I still don’t know the entirety of his title. I just know not to piss the fucker off.

I knock lightly on the wooden door and wait to hear some sort of signal that it’s okay to come in. After a moment, I hear his voice and enter the room, shutting the door securely behind me. “Domn,” I greet him coolly. “How are you?”

“Save the politeness for later, Duncan. I know you’ve come in here for a reason, so spit it out.” Kristof knows me well, and for that I’m grateful. Pussyfooting around this isn’t what I want to do, but if I have to then I’d make that sacrifice to get the information I need.

“I’d like to know my role now that I’m back home, Sir,” I say to him, placing my hands behind my back, waiting for his orders. He looks even more frail than before I left. There’s no doubt in my mind that the man is on his deathbed and doing everything that he can to cover it up. I can make out every bone in his jaw and neck. He must’ve lost at least thirty pounds in the last few months.

“Your job is the same. You will be assigned to protecting Willow. She will always be your task, Duncan. I’d have no other man do it, but I’m sure now that she’s back here you have seen how difficult your job will be. Australia was a walk in the park for you. In London…my daughter is…very…unpredictable.”

I nod, accepting what he’s told me. “Then I think it’s past time that you tell me about her life. I knew Willow as the bakery shop owner, not Willow as your daughter. There were things in her file, but so much was blacked out. I need to know about that information. The things that you didn’t want me to know at first.”

Kristof swallows. I can tell he is thinking about what it is that I’ve asked for, debating on whether or not I need to know this information. He’ll soon realize that I do, that he can’t keep her past private anymore. “I met Willow’s mother when I was out…conducting business. I shouldn’t have stayed at that event, or even so much as looked her way, but I did. And in doing so, I was given my youngest daughter, a blessing. Especially now when all of her siblings are gone…Anyway, I am sure you know that I was married at the time to my now ex-wife, Clarissa. When I found out Willow’s mother was pregnant with her, I told Clarissa everything. She was furious, but knew that I needed to be involved in her life, and I was, to an extent. Willow was well provided for her entire childhood, but when she was thirteen, the unexpected happened, and her mother was diagnosed with cancer. She only lasted a few months before she passed, and with her death, our entire world was turned upside down. Willow had lived with us for a short period, but mixing our families wasn’t the smartest decision. Clarissa and I had made the decision together at that point to send Willow off to boarding school.”

He pauses for a moment, and my mind spins, unable to fathom how he could send his child who’d just lost everything…away. The one thing she needed then would’ve been support, not to be exiled. “She ended up staying there and graduating. In the time that she was away, she fell in love. Long story short, her boyfriend was killed after they graduated and before they were to go off to University. I blame myself for that. For all of it really, for her unhappiness, her guilt, her pain. It all falls on my shoulders. Every single ounce of it. Your job is simple, Duncan. You’ll do everything in your power to ensure that my daughter takes her seat as Clan leader when I pass. It’s the only option. She has to continue our legacy. Willow has a great responsibility, one that she can’t even fully comprehend yet. You need to be there, by her side when I am gone and guide her through it. You’re the only man that I trust with her. Do you understand?”


“Good. Now that she is back home I need to get to work and find her a suitable Romanian husband. She’ll need a strong man to guide her through these changes, one who knows how we operate.”

I clench my jaw hearing him say what he has. Willow may need a strong man, but what he doesn’t need to be is Romanian. I’m strong enough for her, and Kristof knows that. The only thing that I’m not is Romanian, and that’s what he wants. He doesn’t want an American with his daughter. Shit. What am I even doing thinking like this? It’s not like she even wants to be with me. Especially now.