“I said I don’t know,” she shouted. This time, she turned around and began walking back in the direction of the diner. She’d only do that if she was scared.

He was still mostly hidden by shrubs and shadows. Most of the streetlights along this stretch were burned out, making it even more sinister for a young girl walking alone.

“Where the fuck you think you’re going? You need to learn some respect.”

He revved his bike to follow alongside her. She was moving at a fast clip now.

“Don’t make me get off this bike, bitch.”

Once the guy got to his feet and started to pursue Bell, she broke into a clumsy run.

As soon as she reached his location, he grabbed her and whirled her around behind him. She squealed. “Tank?”

He ignored her as the man chasing her nearly crashed into him. Tank towered over him, just like he did all men. Hisbody was a brick shit house and he knew it.

“Problem?” he asked.

The guy looked up at him. “Just playing.” He attempted a weak-ass chuckle.

“Why you questioning her? You want to know something about me, you ask me to my fucking face, bitch.”

The guy attempted to put his hand into his jacket, so Tank shoved him in the chest, knocking him down to his ass. Before the biker could pull his gun out, Tank had his aimed at his head. He slowly squatted down, training his weapon on the asshole’s face, nice and calm.

“How about you answermyquestions? You with Skull Nation?”

“Yeah, I’m with Skull Nation. That a crime?”

Tank scoffed. “If pathetic is a crime. Why you asking about me?”

The bastard only shrugged.

“You either have a crush or a death wish. Which is it?” Tank asked. “And how about you tell me whereyourclubhouse is?”

“I’m nobody. They don’t care what happens to me, so you’re wasting your time.”

“I hear you coming anywhere near my woman again, I’ll find you and end you. We clear?”

He nodded.

“Pass me your gun.” When he didn’t comply, Tank repeated himself with more force.

Once he had the weapon, he dropped the clip and emptied the chamber before tossing the gun into the roadway.

“Let’s go,” he said to Bell. She hadn’t said a thing the entire time, but he felt her holding the back of his cut. If she hadn’t been there, he would have killed the fucker.

The Skull Nation prospect grabbed his gun and drove off,soon leaving them in silence. He holstered his weapon and took a breath.

“What were you doing here?” she asked.

Why hide the truth? He’d been going crazy without her the past five days.

“I was worried about you.”

She just stared at him. At least she wasn’t pushing him away.

“I know I fucked up,” he said. “I do trust you.” He reached out to touch her arm only to find she was shaking. “What’s wrong, Bell?”

“That guy’s been stalking me for days. I thought I was about to die,” she said. “Until you saved me.”