“I won’t.”

It still amazed him how fearless she was with him. He was used to people getting all nervous and saying what he wantedto hear. She had him wrapped around her little finger. He’d do anything for Bell.

He rode off, giving the bike gas and leaving her apartment behind now that he got what he came for. There was a nice spot on the other side of the river that he knew she’d like. It would kill two birds with one stone as he could take a look at that apartment while driving by. If he spotted that prospect’s bike, he’d come back later without Bell and deal with him. He’d make sure he remembered Bell’s name before he pulled the trigger. Tank had a lot of kills on his belt. He had to keep that information away from Bell. She was sweet innocence, and he couldn’t lose her.

When he stopped at a red light near the apartment, Bell clung tighter to him. “Why are we here?”

“I want to take you to the other side of the river.”

“Okay. I’m not crazy about his end of town.”

“I don’t think anyone is,” he said. This area was worse than hers, which said a lot. It was mostly a factory district dotted with low-income apartments and homeless shelters.

Once the light turned green, he drove to the bridge and finally stopped when he reached his destination. He turned off the bike and helped Bell off.

“I can’t believe I never knew this place existed,” she said.

There was a small pond with a mating pair of swans and a few ducks. It was secluded, a private little escape off the main roads that he’d discovered years ago.

She squatted by the edge of the pond, touching the water to create a ripple. “Look how beautiful they are,” she said, pointing to the white swans.

“They’ve been coming here for as long as I’ve known. I haven’t told anyone about this place. People can be assholes, and I’d hate for something to happen to one of them.”

“Right, they mate for life.”

“I always thought the whole monogamy thing was for the birds—until you,” he said.

She stood and turned to face him, tilting her head to the side. “You’re part of a biker club, Tank. I’ve seen the women who live in your compound. Are you telling me you’re as faithful as a swan now that you’re my boyfriend?”

“I guarantee it.”

She narrowed her eyes.

“Watch it, Attitude. You’re already forgiven me, and I’ve learned my lesson. No more lies. No sneaking around. If I say I’m faithful, you can bet your life on it.”

“I knew you were different when I met you, but you’re something special,” she said, resting her forearms on his chest.

He leaned down to kiss her. Tank closed his eyes, pulling her close. The kiss deepened, and all he could remember was the fact she was bare under her long skirt. He gathered the material up with his hands without breaking the kiss.

Tank slipped his hand between her legs, cupping her pussy.

“You weren’t lying,” he whispered against her lips.


Bell loved her beast of a man. She needed him. Craved him. Everything about him turned her on—from his size and muscles to the leather and roar of his bike. She was the last person she expected to fall for a bad boy after all the drama she’d lived through with her mother and her lowlife boyfriends. But Tank wasn’t an asshole or addict. He was bad in the best way because he made her feel safe when she’d gone so long feeling alone and vulnerable. It wasn’t always easy putting on a tough act. She’d been mothering herself for most of her life, and it was nice to have someone putting her needs first for once.

When he cupped her pussy with his big, rough hand, she gasped. She’d planned this, wanted to feel his fingers deep insideher, fucking her. She loved seeing the need in his eyes, his big strong body completely at her mercy.

“You’re already wet,” he said. His breath was hot against her skin. He kissed her neck, then trailed his tongue to circle the shell of her ear. The entire time, he wiggled his fingers in the most wicked way, shoving deeper and making her desperate to be taken.

“Oh, God, Tank. You should have come up to my apartment.” She could scarcely talk, lowering her weight onto his fingers to take more of him inside her.

“Why, when I can fuck you right here by the pond.”

“With the swans watching?” She giggled, but the sound faded quickly when he began to piston both his fingers into her cunt. Bell gripped his massive shoulders, struggling to catch her breath. He knew exactly how to pleasure her, bringing her dangerously close to that sweet zone within minutes.

“My cock is rock hard for you,” he said.