This was all a good thing.


“And where are we going exactly?”

Bell hugged him around the waist, the bike rumbling beneath them.

She’d asked him about a hundred times, but he kept her in the dark. Bell wasn’t one for surprises. She preferred routine, security, and to know everything that was going to happen beforehand. Her childhood had been too full of unpleasant revelations.

He didn’t answer, but she didn’t really expect him to suddenly tell her.

They slowed down about ten minutes later. She looked around to see where they were. It wasn’t too far from her apartment.

It was the entrance to the Straight to Hell MC clubhouse. She held her breath, her nerves firing hot. As much as she’d asked for this day to happen, Bell was terrified they’d reject her or point fingers for one reason or another. She’d seen some of the beautiful women who lived here, and there was no way she stacked up to them. Everything about this place intimidated her.

Maybe she shouldn’t have pushed for his day.

He turned off the bike just outside the gates. Once she slipped off the back, her feet steady on the ground, she grabbed his shirt in a fist. “Tank, are you sure about this?”

“I need to make things official. To tell them I plan to make you my old lady.”

She had to remember that old lady was a good thing, even though it made her envision an old hag forced upon a man.

“What if they don’t trust me? What if they hate me? I don’t know anything about this kind of stuff. What if they offer me a drink?”

So many things were whirling around her head. She was close to asking him to drive her back home. It was so much easier when he shut her up with sex.

“Stop worrying.”

He was so big and strong. Her protector. The only man she loved and trusted. Once beside her, he took her hand. She wasn’t even sure if she was breathing as they walked through the gates left slightly ajar.

“Do they know I’m coming?”


“No? I think a heads-up would have been a good idea, Tank.”

“I want to show you my room.”


“I want to fuck you in my bed,” he said.

“How can you think about sex at a time like this?”

The view of the courtyard made her want to dig in her heels. There were rows of Harleys and bikers with cuts all over the place, a couple with obvious rifles strapped on them. And the beautiful, nearly nude women were there too. This was crazy, a completely different world on one side of a wall to the other. She didn’t belong here. This lifestyle was exactly what she’d hated growing up when her mother would party, drink, and bringhome different losers.

But she was here for Tank.

Because she loved him.

Besides, if he could surprise her, then maybe the rest of the club wasn’t so intimidating either. She had to give them a chance before judging them.

A man approached them.

“You went through with it. Good for you.” The biker winked at her. “I’m Reaper.”

“Nice to meet you.” She was surprised she managed to squeak that out.