“How were you going to do that? You almost got yourself killed.”

He lifted his t-shirt, showcasing the body that made her wet instantly. Tank was wearing a wire. It was haphazardly taped across his chest.

“I don’t understand.”

“Someone at the club hooked me up. I trust you, Bell, and need my club to, too.”

She looked toward the Skull Nation compound. “Should we do something?”

He shook his head. “They’ve got this covered. Let Lord have his field day. He’s been holding back for a long time now.”

It seemed like the entire Straight to Hell MC and then some had ridden through those gates. It was a massive breach, and she only hoped Tank’s men came out on top.

They stayed locked together, holding each other until the gunfire finally settled. She was afraid but glad Tank was safe.

It felt like forever but was probably close to an hour before bikes started to ride out, one by one. She couldn’t tell if they were friends or foes, her body tense.

“Relax, baby. It’s our guys.”

The procession of bikes stopped alongside them. Lord dismounted his bike and approached them. Even though he was large and imposing, Tank had them all beat in size.

“Copper sent the live feed to my cell. I heard everything,” Lord said.

It started to make sense. Was it enough?

He looked at her, right in the eyes. “Accept my apologies, Bell Castle. I was wrong about you. You’re welcome at our club any time. Tank’s chosen well.”

Tears immediately welled in her eyes. No one could understand how important it was for her to be accepted. Her entire life, she’d been unwanted and cast away. This meant everything to her.

“Is everything handled?” Tank asked.

“A small convoy rode out the back, hit the road like little pussies. The rest have been dealt with,” Lord said. “We’ll need to lay low for a while. There’ll be a lot of heat on this.”

Tank nodded.

“Keep the girl at the club. We don’t want to deal with any retaliation. She’s one of us now.”

Then he nodded and rode off, the entire club following behind him. The roar and exhaust from the bikes took over the land, dust following in their wake.

“That man in there wasn’t their prez,” Bell said.

“Yeah, he’ll be in hiding now. We’ll find him sooner or later. It’s what we do. This is our turf, and the sooner they understand that, the better for them.”

“Now what?”

“We go home.”

“Where’s home?” she asked.

“Wherever I am. You belong by my side. You won’t have any trouble from the brothers now. They can be overbearing, but it’s only to protect our own. Now they’ll see you for what you are—my old lady.”

She cringed.

“Remember, that’s a good thing.” He winked at her.

“Okay, if you say so.”

They both smiled, so in tune with each other as they’d always been. “I have a shift at the diner in two hours.”

“Forget that shithole. You’ll never have to worry for nothing ever again, Bell. Right now, all I care about is getting you home so I can strip you naked. I thought I was going to lose you. I’ve got a lot of pent-up energy after today.”

She ran her palm over his crotch, feeling his hard cock, and he hissed through his teeth. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

They got back on the bike, the familiar rumble traveling through her body. They rode off, joining the end of the procession. After a lifetime, she’d found her place, found her man.

Her past didn’t define her.

She was strong, a survivor, and now it was time to really live.

The End

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