He checked his watch. There was a good three hours before they rode out, so he had enough time to eat. With his size, he was always hungry, and right now, he had a craving for the Main Road Diner.

Fuck, I’m an idiot.

Tank revved up his Harley and headed out to this diner he’d never set foot in before. He didn’t care about anything except the waitress who’d infected his mind. It wouldn’t take much longer for her to realize he wasn’t the kind of man she should be talking to. That was what he was hoping for, something to end this nice and clean. Maybe one of her coworkers would fill her in because she was clueless about how dangerous he was.

He parked in front of the dive and cut his engine. The first thing to enter his mind was that he didn’t like her working here, not that it was any of his fucking business. He’d get his fill of food and hopefully get some closure before his run tonight. She was a distraction, messing with his head, and that wasn’t safe. As much as he was drawn to her, he knew he had to end this twistedobsession before it ran out of control.

Bells chimed on the glass doors as he entered. Every eye turned toward him, but he was used to the attention. He was huge, tattooed, and sporting a leather cut. Ignoring the stares was second nature.

He sat down in a booth at the far end to ensure his back was facing a wall. Tank scrubbed a hand along his jawline, wondering if it was a mistake coming here. Then she came out from the back with a tray of food. She hadn’t noticed him yet, busy serving another table with a few construction workers.

All those schoolboy feelings came rushing back despite his best efforts to lock them away. Her hair was up in a high ponytail today, and her uniform hugged those lush curves. When she turned around, she did a double take when she noticed him sitting there alone. A sly smile pulled at her lips, and she grabbed her notepad from the pocket on her uniform and approached him. She nibbled on her pencil with those full lips.

“Hello, stranger,” she said.

“Thought I’d try this Main Road Diner everyone’s talking about.”

She chuckled. “No one’s talking about this place, so that’s a lie.”

He shrugged. “Guilty.”

“Are you here to check up on me? I told you I can handle myself just fine. Or don’t you remember my skills?”

He’d humored her last week. He could have broken her in half without losing a breath. But she was fucking adorable thinking she could take him on.

He shook his head. “I’m a big boy, I need to eat. You have food here, right?”

“What can I get you?”

“What do you recommend,Attitude?” he asked.

“You remember my road name. Good,” she said,attempting to hide her smile. “Well, the burger special is pretty good.”

Tank knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted his face between her legs. He licked his lips, the thought making his dick hard. “I’ll take that,” he said. “When you off work?”

“In half an hour. Why? Are you going to insist on walking me home again?”

He shook his head. “No, you can take care of yourself.”

She looked disappointed, scribbling on her pad, then headed into the back of the diner.

Why was he even here? He didn’t have the willpower to shut her down but knew it was pointless to try to take things to the next level with her. She wasn’t a club whore, so he couldn’t just fuck her and leave her. He had his suspicions she may even be a virgin, but that was only a guess based on her personality.

She came back shortly after with a coffee pot. “I put your order in. Do you want some coffee? It’s on the house.”

“You giving me special treatment?”


“I’m bad for your health. You should ignore an asshole like me.”

She turned over his mug and poured him a cup of coffee, ignoring his warning. “And I’ve already told you I don’t scare easily.” Bell winked and walked off to refill other customers.

He was already pussy whipped.


As soon as he walked into her diner, she froze for a moment. He didn’t belong there. He was the guy she saw a couple of times a week during her walks home. The man who invaded her dreams at night. It was stupid to fantasize about a beast like Tank. They were complete opposites in every way. He was twice her size and everything mothers warned their daughters about—not that she’d know that firsthand. Gettingcaught up with a man like him would be a huge, colossal mistake. He was a biker and probably only interested in a quick fuck.