Page 13 of Promised

“I’m sorry, what?” I said, trying to see if he would say the same thing or give up on the matter.

“I told you, draga, you will be in our bed tonight.” I took one last glance at him and went into Bianca’s room, tending to her. She had requested two stories before she started to doze off and I happily complied. Her favorites have become the princess stories, where the knights in shining armor come to save their beloved. In a twisted way, maybe Ion is my knight. There’s one thing I know for sure, and that is that fairytales aren’t real.

I walked back into the bedroom – my bedroom, which I suppose was now our bedroom. “She asked for two stories, or three?” Ion asked me; I glanced over at him, he was taking off his dress shirt. I couldn’t help but stare at him, the way his glorious body was exposed.

“Two,” I told him, going to my drawers and grabbing a pajama set. I didn’t bother going out of the room to change out of my date attire. Ion had already seen my scars; I had nothing to hide from him. I slid my dress off until it pooled at my feet, slid on my silk shorts and pulled on a matching purple silk camisole. “Do you really think that the other clan heads are going to be happy to know that I’m sharing a bed with you when I’m dating some of them?” I asked, a tad annoyed at his sudden need to be sharing a bed with me.

“Does it look like I give a shit? I

don’t. They need to understand that while they are out on dates with you, my draga, that I am the one warming your bed, the one who will tend to your needs, the one who truly takes care of you and Puff” I took a step towards the bed as he spoke, ‘tend to your needs’ caught me off guard. Nothing sexual has happened between Ion and me besides that brief kiss. I wouldn’t lie to myself; I wanted to kiss him again. I craved his lips on mine, his hands on my body. I feel like deep down the dating of the other clan members was a horse and pony show. I had no real interest in any of them. Phillipe was promising, but Ion was something else entirely. In a split second, I’d made up my mind, I’d go out on one more date with Philippe as I promised him, but I would not go out on another. Not when I wanted to be here, with Ion.

In truth, I didn’t know exactly what I felt for Ion. I just knew that it was so strong, what I felt for this cocky, arrogant man was nothing compared to the small like I had for Phillipe.

I walked to my side of the bed, where Ion had slid in and stared. “I sleep here,” I told him, waiting for his argument. Instead, I didn’t get any. He got out of the bed, standing in front of me. He slid his hands around me and flipped me over, slamming my back against the mattress. “What are you doing?” I asked, startled by his sudden movement.

“I’m kissing my wife goodnight.”

“I’m not your wife” I angrily pointed out.

His lips turned up into a smile as they pressed against mine, “Not yet, draga, but you will be” Ion’s lips were soft, his hands were rough around my body, his hand tangled in my hair and he pulled slightly. I thought the act would startle me; it only served to excite me. While his hands were rough exploring my body, his kiss was light and delicate. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders feeling him, his strength, his power. This is exactly what I mean; I don’t want to kiss Phillipe, or any other man as much as I want to kiss Ion. I opened wider, intruding my tongue in his mouth, meeting with his. He enhanced the intensity of our kiss; I could feel chills radiating all the way through my body.

Ion yanked me up into his lap; I could feel his hardening shaft against my silk shorts. I rolled my hips against him; I wanted him. I’d never wanted sex before; it was always given to me if I could even call it that. “Fuck me, Ion.”

He ripped his lips away from mine, staring me dead in the eyes. “Ana, I will not be fucking you tonight” I’d expected him to turn into a caveman and fuck me the way I wanted him to, to claim me in the last way he could, to go all alpha male and mark me as his. I didn’t expect him to deny me.

“Why not?” I ask him

“Why not? You haven’t ever had a good sexual experience. You were raped for years by that despicable animal. I’m not going to fuck you. When we’re together, my little draga, I will be making love to you, and that will not be tonight. God, I want you so badly, but now is not the time. I will take you when you are ready for me. We’ve been together for two weeks. We have an eternity, love” I was pissed. How dare he deny me what I ask of him. In a way, a small, miniscule way, I find it sweet that he denies me, that he believes he’s somehow protecting me. In a big way, I find it extremely irritating, and I want to slap him. He brushed his thumb against my cheek and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth. “All in time, now, let’s get to sleep, yes?”

I didn’t respond, Ion just took control, positioning me, so I was up against him, his body pressed up against my back, his arms draped around me. For the first time in years, I can say that I feel safe. I’ll never know why my father chose Ion, but somehow, I’m starting to figure out why.

“Goodnight” he murmured into the back of my hair.



Phillipe came just a few days later. This time, instead of taking me on a jet, we stayed closer to home. He knew of a restaurant that was romantic and known for its huge dancefloor and VIP seating. I felt a buzz go through me at the idea of being on a fancy date with a man like that. Phillipe had a way of making a woman feel special, even if he couldn’t make me feel the way that Ion did. This date was the last one. I was going to tell him at the end of the date that I wouldn’t be seeing him any longer. He was a great man, just not the man I envisioned to be in my future. His eyes would stay on you the whole night, and he would brag about you to the wait staff. It was something totally different than anything I had experienced. I wondered what all these Sala clan members did with their spare time and money. They had to be some fun people to hang out with. Or maybe they were all snobs.

The restaurant was superb; the kind that only served the best bottles of wine and with golden chandeliers making a spotlight over the tables and dancefloor. It was a little crowded, but I could see why. It was probably a hot spot for rich couples, and I found myself wondering if it was a place Ion had ever thought of bringing me. I shouldn’t have been thinking about Ion on a date with another man, but I supposed it was difficult when we were still technically engaged and living in the same house, and the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking about Ion. That was the problem, he’s infected all of my thoughts, and now I’m sitting here on a date with Phillipe thinking about the way Ion kissed me just a few days before, and the way he would leave a small peck on my lips in passing.

Phillipe reached across the table and placed his hand on mine affectionately; it took me out of my daydreaming thoughts of Ion. Phillipe did things like that often even though we technically didn’t know each other. It felt like he actually meant the things he said and that he might like me. But if I was honest with myself, I liked the lifestyle more than I liked him. He was a bit much sometimes, spending so much money at the drop of a hat and quoting famous poems I didn’t recognize. The sad part was, none of it was fake. Or at least, I didn’t detect that it was.

“I am so happy you are here with me tonight,” he said. Phillipe could easily make any woman swoon and compare their time with him to a fairytale, but there was something missing that I just couldn’t place. Maybe something was wrong with me because of Jonas, and I was incapable of developing feelings for a good man. Ion isn’t a good man. I know that. I’m not naïve. Although, he may be good for me. I still don’t know him, I’m learning, but I know he keeps secrets. Ion isn’t a horrid man; he’s a product of the cloth he was cut from, as am I.

“Would you like to dance?” I asked him, our gazes meeting. I was trying to pass the time as quickly as possible. I just wanted to get back home. A jazz number was being played, and few other couples were making their way to the dancefloor after finishing their tapas. The light was the perfect low glow, and Phillipe nodded, leading me gracefully and flawlessly out onto the floor.

I was surprised as my body responded to the rhythm. I danced as a child, but with all my injuries and the fact that I had done nothing of the sort in over eight years, made me worry that I wouldn’t be able to do these things anymore. Yet, I was swaying with him to the music. It was a silent dance, but it was nice; the kind you might have with someone you had been with for a long time – the kind I should be having with Ion.

After the song was over, he excused himself to the men’s room, I supposed, or maybe to take a phone call from his clan. It could have been anything, but he left me on the dancefloor instead of at our table. I felt awkward just standing there until I felt a hand on mine, spinning me towards the person violently as a new song was played. It sounded like it could be for a tango, and I looked at the face of the man who had decided to be so bold and saw that it was none other than Ion, crashing my date.

“Shouldn’t you be with Bianca?” I asked in annoyance, trying not to let the music or his dancing skills get to me. I didn’t want him to know how my feelings were starting to grow; he’s already a cocky, arrogant asshole. He’d love that I’m starting to develop something for him.

“Bianca is with our cousin, and she is fine. They are painting each other’s nails or something. I thought if they hit it off, she could be the live-in nanny for us. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be on your date with Sala?” he as

ked with his eyebrow raised at me. Damn it; he was hot when he did that. What was wrong with me? I was supposed to experiencing freedom and dating, and I still found myself entrapped with Ion Petran. Damn him, and his use of his cousin as ours.

“I am on a date,” I retorted. “Until you stole me away,” I harrumphed back like a kid.