Page 18 of Promised

I felt her legs squeeze tighter around me as her body began to shiver. I pumped hard, knowing she was close. That’s when her flesh throbbed around my cock, forcing me to cum sooner than I wanted. My warmth filled her as she slumped over my shoulder in relief only I was able to give her.


"Mommy. Mommy!" Bianca called out, tugging at my sleeve in excitement. I knew she had been missing out on a life worth living when she was holed up with me at Jonas’s place, but I didn't realize that Bianca would be so excited about the simple things. Ion had brought us to Central Park on a Saturday to do things as a family. It was an odd thing to hear coming out of his mouth considering he had been so insistent than my time there with him wasn't going to be much different form my time with Jonas.

I shouldn’t have thought that, knowing my father had trusted the Petran’s with his entire empire. Ion was a dominant man, and while I didn’t know if I was going to fall ahead over heels for him or anything, I saw some silver lining in our relationship. Okay, that’s a total and complete lie. I’m going to fall head over heels for him; there’s no way that I can’t at this point. Sure, Ion Petran isn’t perfect, no one on this green earth is. But, the way he is with Bianca, the way he’s growing on me, I’m screwed.

I followed my daughter over to where she was dragging me and saw an indoor-outdoor area that had been turned into a skating rink. There was a bit of a chill in the air but not enough for that to be happening naturally. All the wonders of New York City were a surprise to me as well. "Can we skate?" she asked, her little pouty lip trying to manipulate me. I wasn’t sure what my answer should be. It wasn’t like I had any control over my own money at the moment, though plenty had been left to me from Ion.

I was pleasantly surprised when I looked up at Ion for his answer. "Of course, you can, Puff," he told her with a smile. "I will go get some skates for you and your mother."

Ion looked up at me with a smile, probably noting the shock on my face. I figured something like this would be out of his realm of what was appropriate. After all, we were members of the mob, and he was a rich man, always having his servants and body guards following us around whatever we went. I knew for a fact they were hanging around us at this very moment even if I couldn’t spot them specifically. They were fantastic at blending in with the average Joe. If you were looking at us from afar, you would have no idea who we are – what we are, but I can guarantee you there are at least ten armed men and women surrounding us ready to take out every threat.

I watched as Ion we

nt up to the booth to purchase the tickets and the ice skates, my boisterous four-year-old bouncing up and down next to me like it was her birthday. I could only imagine what her fifth would be like for her with all the resources at our disposal now. It was one of my reasons for not fighting his new ruling that I would not be dating anyone else. The other was I didn’t want to be with anyone besides him. I wanted Ion, and I was going to have him. I wouldn’t make it easy on him though. Ion had taken good care of Bianca since she came back to me, and I wanted only the best for her. It was a plus for me to be enjoying myself too, or at least what Ion was able to do to my body.

Ion came over with two pairs of skates and helped Bianca put hers on while I put mine on. When did he become so attentive to my little girl? Part of me was suspicious that it was in order to reel me in, but it seemed more genuine than that. He would basically be her father if the two of us got married. It’s about time that I started looking at things in a more positive light; Ion is not Jonas, it won’t be the same.

Chapter 16


The sound of gunfire woke me up out of a dead sleep next to Mariana. She had finally let me sleep by her side now on a regular basis now that the wedding plans were underway. She wasn’t keeping me away from her, but she was putting up a damn good fight. Some nights when she had gotten in one of her moods I would slither in after she was asleep because she “declared” that I wouldn’t be in our bed. Through the night she’d end up in my arms, right where she belonged. I turned to look at her, her hair a mess from sleeping as I heard the screams of Bianca coming from her room. I reached below the bed where I always kept a weapon and nodded for her to go check on Bianca. I would deal with whatever was happening.

Mariana pulled a robe around herself and rushed to her daughter, probably more afraid than she needed to be. The gunshot was loud, but it had not come from inside the house. My men would already be onto whoever it was, though I didn’t know what kind of a threat was coming. I didn't think there would be anymore threats, but the life of a mob clan leader meant that you made some enemies along the way. It could be nothing other than some jealous thug thinking they were brave enough to mess with the current reign.

Shirtless, I pulled on my pants and headed out of the bedroom where my bodyguards were trying to make communication with everyone, their own guns pulled out in preparation.

"Domn, you should stay in your room where it is safe. We are not getting communication from the guards outside. We do not know what threat has come," one of my men warned me, he’d been transferred from Romania recently and still struggled with speaking English. I had bodyguards stationed at the elevator at either end as well as at the fire exit. Even one of the concierges was on my payroll. I couldn’t imagine whoever it was getting very far.

"This is my problem too. I am here to protect the women. Go and see what is happening." I nodded to the door, sending two of my men out as I guarded the door, locking it until they returned. I could hear the ding of the elevator in the silence. The whole floor belonged to me, so it both made it hard to get up here but vulnerable once someone did.

I heard scuffling but no more shots, until a knock came at the door.

"It's Viktor. He has been sent up the elevator with a note for you, domn," one of my men said through the door.

I cursed under my breath. I couldn’t believe I was a man down. I opened the door and took the bloody note in my hands.

"Get rid of the body, now," I told them, knowing this would expose us faster than anything else. They nodded, and I shut the door, knowing they would come up the back way and return to their stations now. I turned my attentions to the note, figuring leaving a message meant that whoever it was would be long gone now.

Dear Mr. Petran,

I thought you to be a reasonable man, but I have heard that you are no longer allowing Mariana Vasile to explore her options among the other clans. This is a mistake as it sends a message that you do not want to cooperate with the rest of us. I will not accept another Vasile dictator over the clans, forcing us to work together in ways that do not benefit us. You do not have a claim to Ms. Vasile any longer. Her father is dead and with it the contract. And now one of your men is dead. I hope you come to your senses soon.


My jaw tightened at the note. How dare someone threaten and challenge me in that way! Of course, I would not comply. And even though there was no name, I thought I knew who had done this. There was one man who had gotten so close to roping Mariana into being with him. I knew what they had done together, and then he had the audacity to come to my home and ask for her. He was a man obsessed, and he was going to pay the same way that Jonas would pay.

I pulled out my cell phone, my weapon of choice for the moment, and scheduled a meeting at my office with Stefan Dalca.

Then, I went back to Bianca's room to find Mariana curled up with her in her bed, rubbing her back. I stuffed my gun in my pocket and went to sit by their bedside. I ran my fingers through Bianca's hair in a move of comfort. This little girl had been through enough. "Puff, you are with me. I am not going to let anyone hurt you."

I exchanged a look with Mariana, and it was like she knew. She knew that someone wanted her, wanted me to give her up. I kissed her on the forehead and left, ready to take on the entire Dalca clan if that’s what it took. I would exterminate them like the group of roaches that they are.

I called in backup to watch over my house and my girls while I went to my office to make a few calls. I was surprised to find Stefan already there, sitting in my seat with a smug look on his face. I drew my gun out like it was the Old West, but he put his hands up ins surrender, suddenly looking frightened. “Woah, all this over me sitting in your chair? I’ll gladly move if you put that thing away,” Dalca said, staring at the gun like the chicken shit he was.

“Why should I? You killed one of my men today and threatened my authority. I don’t take well to that,” I told him, not putting the gun away.