Page 6 of Promised

Ion opened my car door for me, and I worked my way out slowly, headed for the steps that led up to the lobby entrance. Just as my foot landed on the bottom step, I felt an arm come around me and instantly jumped. I guess somewhere inside of me; I was still expecting Jonas to show up and hurt me again. It was hard to think about anyone touching me again just yet.

“Relax, Ana. It’s just me. I’m just helping you get inside; I know you’re still hurting,” Ion assured me in that silky-smooth voice of his. It made me calm but also cautious at the same time. Trusting was going to be hard, even if this was the man my father had chosen for me to be with. I don’t believe I’d ever trust another man again, how could I after enduring so much for so long? Granted, I know that not all men are like Jonas Masterson, but please, tell that to the girl with the emotional and physical scars.

I let him help me, trying to remain calm at his touch. His hand never wandered, though, and he let go the moment we were in the elevator and headed up to his apartment. As we rode up several floors, I finally turned to him, feeling the emotional pain much stronger than the physical.

“I need you to find my daughter,” I said simply, my eyes begging him as his green ones turned towards me. “I know she isn’t yours, but without her, my life is nothing. I have no reason to live without her. Please. She is the only family I have left now.” I watched, assessing his features for something, anything that would give me a clue what he’s thinking, but he didn’t speak.

Not a peep from him.

The elevator stopped with an incessant ding, letting me know that we were now on the right floor. Ion nodded and gently led me to his door. It was an ugly burnt orange. All that money and he couldn’t even choose an appealing paint color.

“I can see she means a lot to you, and she is a Vasile regardless. Why don’t we sit down, and you recount what happened before we arrived and found you at Jonas’ place? Perhaps there might be an indication of where Jonas has taken your daughter,” Ion offered. It was a better answer than I thought I would get from him, but I didn’t think there would be any signs of where Jonas went from what I had to tell. The one thing Ion had already relayed to me is that they had been looking for me the whole time and found not even a clue as to my whereabouts or who had me, even as Jonas continued to show up randomly at the meetings of the clans. Jonas knew what he was doing.

I went through every single gory detail anyway. I didn’t leave anything out; the insults, his hesitation, or that evil laughter which was the last thing I heard. Ion informed me that I had been somehow taken back up the stairs and left in the back of the building.

Once Ion realized there was nothing to glean from what I could remember, the conversation took a turn. “What is Bianca like?” Ion asked, sounding like he might be trying to get to know me. I was taken aback by it but happy for the subject. I missed her so much.

“Bianca is a miniature version of myself other than the dark, dark eyes which look more like Jonas’. But she is beautiful already, even at four. Growing up the way she has, I was afraid she would be a scared little weakling, but she is spirited and feisty. She finds a way to have fun, even in the worst of situations, she has such a strong spirit” I couldn’t help but have a smile on my face at the mention of my precious little girl. I couldn’t wait to have her back in my arms.

“She sounded a lot like you when you were a child,” Ion commented, sipping at the glass of brandy he had poured for himself. I looked him over for a moment, feeling strange at his interest. I didn’t exactly understand why he still wanted anything to do with me. In theory, I was still the key to his throne, but I was no longer the pure young woman Ion had been promised.

Every summer since I had turned eight, my mother had pulled out the marriage contract and gone over it with me for understanding and told me one fact about the man I would marry. Sometimes, it was as simple as his name or the color of his hair. Other times, it was about his favorite toy or his favorite sport. One thing I knew for certain, from pouring over it so many times, was that the arrangement was supposed to mean I had never been touched by another man. I was to be pure and a virgin for Ion. That was not the case. I had been taken, used, and abused in every way possible. Why would Ion even still want me after Jonas had his way with me for eight years?

After a light lunch, Ion led me through his home, showing me where everything was. It was a large and very nice place. Once Bianca was with me, I would have no trouble getting comfortable with all the expensive furniture and endless food that was available in the kitchen or through delivery. The building had a concierge for goodness sake. Ion definitely had the means to care for the two of us. But I sort of wondered what he

had in store for me emotionally. I had been on a roller coaster of hell for eight years with an old, dirty snake. I didn’t want history repeating itself, even if Ion was so much younger and more attractive.

Ion was so attractive; I can’t help but wonder what we would’ve been like if everything worked out the way it was supposed to. If my parents were still alive, if we had been married when I was eighteen, if I would be madly in love with him, or if he would drive me insane through constant banter. I was stupid for even letting my thoughts get the best of me – me wondering would do no good, life worked out the way it did, and we’d both have to deal with what I’d gone through in our own ways, even if I was a disappointment, a failure even at what he was promised.

The last place he showed me was the large master bedroom. “This is my room, and this is where you will be sleeping,” he told me, his voice turning stern as it had been with the Romanian man at the hospital. He was dominant, a true clan leader. I didn’t expect much less than that, but I didn’t know what to think about his statement considering what he had just rescued me from.

“You are going to be my wife. I have already begun arrangements for the wedding. You will be sleeping in my bed every night.” His voice rose, sounding almost irritated as he began to rattle off what sounded like rules to me. Instead of making me scared, it made me angry. “You will do as I say and only go where I tell you that you can. You are to follow all the doctor’s orders and keep yourself healthy. You will fuck me anytime I want, as you were promised.”

I glared up at him, my jaw set in frustration. After knowing what Jonas had done, I was appalled he would bring any of this up now. “So, I am nothing more than your personal slave? So much for respecting the last of my bloodline or my father’s wishes to care for me.”

Ion was silent for a moment, blocking me into the doorway and trying to tower over me with his height in a move of intimidation. “I guess it won’t be much different than your time with Jonas.”

Chapter 8


It had been three days now since I had been taken to live with Ion and his house full of men in the same way that Jonas always had his seedy associates around. I did have to give these guys credit; they didn’t try to harm or insult me. They did not play games with me or ask if they could have me too since I was so damn easy. They were just big, silent men, watching me like a hawk when Ion could not be around to do so. It was a bit exhausting, though, after what I had been through, to be rescued from a situation where I was little more than a slave only to find myself still not free, and it pissed me off. If my daughter was not out there somewhere, waiting to see me again and be saved from Jonas, then I would have ended my life already. It wouldn’t be too hard since I was not fully recovered.

It was hard to think, as I sat up in the bed which I had not been sharing with Ion since he knew I needed space with my injury, that the sun still rose and set like always when my child was not with me. Bianca was my sun, and yet there was daylight, streaming in through the window of Ion’s bedroom. I still called it that, not seeing it as mine yet. I didn’t know if I ever would, especially with the threat that as soon as I healed, I would be ordered to sleep next to Ion and offer him a good fuck whenever he wanted. I was so sick of men using my body that way. When was it going to be my choice to share that part of me? It would never be my choice, that was the thing. One thing has changed, I’m not with Jonas Masterson. I’m with Ion Petran, and I will demand respect, my name gives me that, and I will have it.

I refuse to be his toy.

I was agitated as I slid out of bed and looked around me. I had nothing to keep me going, and it was going to drive me insane. I remembered the gym I had seen during the little tour of the house that had ended terribly. I knew I wasn’t supposed to do anything physical yet, but I didn’t feel too bad. I was apparently a fast healer, or maybe it was my determination to help assist in any way that I could to find my daughter. I knew I couldn’t do that without being healed. I had no issues with my side yet, so I thought I could run for a while and clear my head.

I went to the closet that had since been stocked with clothes for me. Most of the clothes were dresses, meant for special events. There were also nice clothes that were more casual, meant to be worn when I was seen in public with Ion. I dug through it in frustration, hoping to find something comfortable before I had to resort to wearing my pajamas. That’s when I saw two designer outfits for working out. They were sweat wicking material and the kind of thing I would imagine one of those housewives on television wearing on their morning run or at their exercise classes. It wasn’t me, but it would work.

I snatched one of them down and quickly got dressed. I didn’t know if Ion was around that morning to catch me or not. I hoped I would get to the gym unseen, at least by him, so that I could run in peace before I had to hear his next lecture or scathing insult.

Luckily, I did not run into him on my way upstairs to the gym. A couple of his men were hanging around, trying not to look like they were watching me, but that was all. The gym was happily empty, and the treadmill looked like a solace I had not had in too long. I got on it, starting slowly at first as I pictured I was walking towards my daughter. I was a mother on a mission, and suddenly the pain was gone.

All I knew or could hear was the sound of my feet pounding down on the treadmill, and it drowned out all the sorrow and anger, even if just for a few moments. I was no longer the useless woman that wasn’t worth any more than the power my blood gave to a man.

I tried to ignore him as Ion came into the room, but I doubted he would allow that for long. He immediately came up to me, pressing the button to stop the treadmill. I grasped the sides quickly so I wouldn’t be disoriented and fall off. He said nothing to me immediately, only glared like his eyes could burn right through me. Here’s the thing: I didn’t care. I had enough to think about, to ponder and run through my mind. I couldn’t give a damn if he was upset with me, but I had the feeling all hell was about to break loose, but I was in no mood. I would stand my ground, injury or not.