Page 2 of Broken Biker

I pull myself together, lifting the napkin away from the silverware and wipe my eyes and nose. I shake my head side to side with a laugh. "No, he really wasn't. He was a horrible man."

I know she doesn’t understand, not someone like her. I was drawn to this diner because of the love shining from her face. No, she wouldn’t know what it’s like to be married to someone like my husband.

I search her face, and I don't know why I do it—I don’t know why I trust her—but I tell her everything. I tell her about how my husband was a congressman in our state’s capital. I tell her how he’s nothing like the image he portrayed on television or in the polls. I go on and on, letting it all out, knowing that I’m overwhelming her, but I just can’t stop. "He was murdered, and whoever did it, I think they’re after me now."

Violet raises her head and looks around the restaurant and out into the street through the big windows. Her voice is calm when all I feel is chaos.

"Have you called the police and told them?"

I shake my head. "No. You see, I'm the one that found my husband, and I'm a suspect."

I know that I've said too much. "Violet, I probably need to go. I need to pay you and go on my way."

I reach for my purse, ready to dig out my change, but stop when she grabs both of my hands. “I know people that will help us.”

I grab on to her hand and plead with her. "Please. I'm not sure who I can trust anymore. I need to figure this out. If I can just lie low ..."

Violet interrupts me and pats my hand soothingly. "I'm not going to call the police on you if that’s what you think. But there’s a reason you came in here today. Obviously, after everything you’ve told me, you trust me, Allison, and I'm not going to betray that trust. So now that you've had cake, why don't we get some real food into you? I always think that food helps you think better."

I grab on to the edge of my purse, ready to run. "No, I need to go. I need to move on."

Violet blocks me from scooting out of the booth. "Now see, I can't just let you walk out of here. I'll worry about you forever. I have friends, friends that I know can help us. Can you trust me to call them? I promise that they can help you."

I search her face and try to come up with another plan, but I draw a blank. I know I am a mess, but I don't have a lot of options. I look at Violet, and she seems so sincere as she stares back at me. She's obviously truly worried for me.

"Okay. Okay, if you know someone that might help, I’d appreciate it."

She pulls me in for a hug, and I hold on to her. "It's going to be okay," she tells me.

I lean my head on her shoulder. I hope she's right.



My phone rings, and it's an unknown number. I normally would let it go to voicemail because the people that usually call me are saved in my contacts, but I hit the answer button anyway.

"What?” I answer roughly into the phone.

A soft voice comes over the line. "Hey, Kane. This is Violet at Red’s Diner."

Instantly, I start to think about my guys, and I'm hoping that they're not up to any shenanigans like the time they went to Sugar Glaze and bought out the whole bakery at eight o’clock in the morning. "Hey, Violet. One of my guys causing you problems?"

She hesitates for just a second. "No. Uh, Walker is out of town, and I had something that came up here. I think I need your help."

I nod. Walker is part of the ghost team. He and his team are the reason that the Guardians MC moved from Texas to Tennessee. We help them with some of their missions. "Sure, what can I do for you?"

She doesn't respond, and I know that my reputation precedes me. "Look, I know I'm an ass, but you can trust me."

She starts to tell me, but I can hear the hesitancy in her voice. "You know the congressman, the one that was killed two days ago?"

I don't watch the news a lot, but I do remember something like that.

"Yeah, I heard about it," I tell her.

"Okay. Well, his wife is on the run. She's here right now at my diner, and someone is after her."

I stand up from behind my desk and grab the keys to my bike. "All right, keep her there and keep a lookout. I'm on my way. I'll be there in just a few minutes."