Page 26 of Devil’s Escape

“Fine. If you want to talk so badly, then talk,” I huffed out, steeling myself for this. My eyes flicked between both of them, memorizing their features as though this was the last time I’d see them. My heart wrestled with the idea, but after striking out today, I had to come to terms that there was nowhere else for me to turn. I had to leave, I had to take the cash Francine gave me and run. I didn’t want to let them go, not again, but I knew if I didn’t run or if I took them with me, Tommaso would kill either them or me. I just had to play the part for a little longer, endure them hating me even more, and pretend as though the distance that stretched between us didn’t pierce my soul.

Kellan’s face fell at my curt reply, rocking back as though I’d dealt him a physical blow, but what else was I supposed to do? Silence stretched between us; the tension so thick it was almost palpable. Merrick stiffened in front of me, his muscles so taut I could’ve sworn they were vibrating. My brows furrowed as I studied him, attempting to piece together what caused the sudden change. Sure, he’d been pissed before, but now it was as though flames blazed in those dark-hazel eyes, his jaw working as he ground his teeth together.

“Take off the glasses, Giana,” Merrick growled harshly. My heart jolted at that demand, sending my mind into a tailspin as panic flooded my body. Eyes flicking from him to the door, I attempted to form a plan, some way to get past him before they asked any more questions.

“What are you talking about?” I snapped, swallowing down the quiver that vibrated in my throat and praying they hadn’t noticed it. I worked to keep my face schooled, pushing down the panic. I couldn’t let him know how close he was.

“It’s pretty fucking dark in here, Giana. Yet you’re still wearing sunglasses,” Merrick retorted snidely. “I saw you the other night and you weren’t wearing them then, so I know it’s not a new style. Take them off.” His face turned a darker shade of red with each word, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. He knew.

“Why should I? I was just about to leave anyway, so if you’d kindly—”

“Take them off, Giana.” Kellan’s deep voice cut through my feeble attempt to dissuade them. His voice was calm, yet so lethal, like his fury was as sharp as a blade, while Merrick’s was explosive.

“Stay out of this,” I hissed, unable to keep the wobble out of my voice. I sucked it back, wishing I could take back the plea, but it was no use. They both knew. My plans for today backfired so fantastically, only I could fuck something up this badly. The last thing I wanted was for either of them to find out and that was exactly what happened. My plan to convince anyone who was against the Barones to help me was a complete and utter disaster and now there was barely any makeup to shield the mark I knew would be the end of us all.

I couldn’t help but realize this had been why Francine had been so sure, so smug. She knew if I continued down the street I’d end up at Kellan’s shop. And if I broke down and showed him what I’d revealed to her, she knew they would help me no matter the cost. Whether it would be out of pity or some deep feelings they still held, I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that couldn’t happen. Because despite Kellan and Merrick being older now, they still weren’t any match for Barone and his men, and it would take an army to wrestle me from Tommaso’s clutches.

I took a step back, and then another, hoping I might be able to find a way to escape out the back. But I didn’t know this place. I had no clue if there even was a door that was accessible, let alone where it was. They knew though, they’d be on me the second I bolted for the back.

I took another step, needing to put some distance between us. I couldn’t let this happen, everything I put up with for the last six years had to be for a reason—it just had to. I tried to block the other voice from my mind but it was there, reminding me that after all this time, they might not even care. Sure they might be mad, but what would I do if they truly hated me so much that they just let me go? That’s what I wanted—to keep them safe—but I wasn’t sure my heart would be able to survive the blow of them no longer caring about me. And I’m pretty sure that would knock the last of my will to flee out of me, plummeting me into the dark abyss I’d barely clawed my way out of.

Both Kellan and Merrick followed after me, each step mirroring my own as though they were attempting to block in a wild animal.

“Just let me go,” I whispered, internally screaming at myself for sounding so vulnerable. I’d thought that part of me had been stamped out long ago. My tender foot wobbled on my next step back, and that was when they pounced. Merrick closed in on one side and Kellan on the other. I glanced behind me, but instead of the curtain I expected, a thick wall blocked any chance I had at fleeing.

“Not in this lifetime or the next, little devil,” Merrick murmured. My lips parted in shock at the conviction in his tone, but it was as though he hadn’t even noticed he’d said the words aloud. His hard glare softened when he looked down on me, reassuring me his rage wasn’t directed at me. But I knew, I always knew that it wasn’t, even the other day when he’d gripped my arms, he’d loosened them as soon as he knew it had caused me pain.

Kellan moved closer to me now, and he reached out tentatively, just as he had before. But his jaw was tight this time as if he was straining to keep a leash on his anger. And I knew exactly how they felt, because even though time had passed between us, if someone hurt either of them, I’d tear them to shreds. His thick fingers gently wrapped around the chunky frames and drew them slowly off my face, revealing the half-covered, healing bruise beneath.

He sucked in a sharp breath as our eyes met, his face twisted with anger. My gaze hardened into a steely look of determination. I didn’t need their pity, and I sure as hell didn’t want their help.

A string of curses left Merrick’s lips, and I couldn’t help but turn to him, but he was already gone, striding over to the back wall to unleash his rage. His fist pulled back and smashed into the drywall, dust billowing and debris crumbling in its wake. I wished I could soothe that anger burning within him, to let him comfort me as well … but I couldn’t.

Kellan turned toward Merrick, and I knew this would be my only chance. As he strode past me, I debated whether or not to grab the glasses, but he’d know as soon as I took them that I was about to bolt. So I waited until he was almost to where Merrick struck another hole into the wall to make my move. I sprinted toward the door, my sandals slapping against the tiled floor. I pushed down the discomfort as I reached the door, unlocking and swinging it open. Merrick and Kellan both shouted for me, their own steps thundering behind me, but I was too fast.

My feet pounded on the sidewalk, ignoring the pain with each stride as it radiated up my ankle and twinged in my back. These shoes sure as hell weren’t made for running and after Tommaso pushed me the other night, my back and ankle were not healed enough for this. But I pushed on, needing to put as much space between me and the two men cursing behind me.

“What am I supposed to do, chase her down the street and throw her over my shoulder in front of the whole town?” Kellan snapped incredulously, and I sighed a breath of relief as I drew closer and closer to my car. I rushed past groups lingering on the sidewalk, darting around them as quickly as I could and praying none of them noticed the bruise beneath my eye. But if any of them recognized me, I’m sure they wouldn’t say a word. Because if I learned anything today, it was just how terrified the town had truly become of the crime family.

I frantically dug in my purse, and I whipped out my keys, preparing to hop in as soon as I reached the door. Some of the tension eased as I neared the obnoxious red Porsche and leapt off the sidewalk to the driver’s side door. Yanking it open, I dove inside and slammed a hand down on the locks. I started it and put the car into drive, not trusting myself to sit here for too long. I didn’t even dare drive past the tattoo shop on my way back to the mansion, both out of fear that Tommaso’s GPS would know I was there and worry that I might not have the strength to drive off if I saw them again.

It was too late to leave town now. There were no buses running until the morning in any of the nearby towns, and Tommaso would be hot on my heels if I left tonight. I’d have to endure the party tonight, but tomorrow I’d leave—I’d get away before there was any time for Merrick or Kellan to get involved. Because if they went after Tommaso, I knew how it would end, and I couldn’t lose them now. I’d rather leave them behind for good and let them have a chance at a normal life without me in it.

Chapter fourteen



Gentlyapplyingtheyellowconcealer, I did my best to cancel out the deep purple hue while attempting to not make the mark any worse. A pained hiss escaped my lips as I got to an especially tender spot, my face throbbing under the pressure, but I had to continue. I took my time, ensuring each layer of makeup was applied perfectly, and didn’t allow a speck of the purple mark beneath it to shine through before moving on to the rest of my face. And as I curled my dirty-blonde locks, I stared back at the woman that sat before me in the vanity’s mirror, my stomach twisting in disgust at the invisible mark and at the fact I covered it up. I wished I could stride into the room tonight without a stitch of makeup on, allowing every person there to see what he’d done to me, to show who he truly was. But it wouldn’t do any good, they already knew, and that was why no one stood up to them, out of fear of him and his family doing even worse to them or their loved ones. I couldn’t blame them—not really—not when I was doing the same thing.

My thoughts kept drifting off to this afternoon, to Kellan and Merrick, at seeing them once again, and the rage that had filled them at seeing the mark plastered across my face. But thinking of them would do no good now. I just had to get through tonight and leave before they had a chance to do anything brash. That was the only way I could keep them safe.

I glanced over at the clothes hanging for me in the closet, and just below them a note was nestled atop a new lingerie set. Its mere presence sent a rush of anger searing through me. I could only imagine what was on it … a reminder to hide the mark he’d left, or another apology? I crumpled the note and threw it in the garbage, not wanting to read the lies inked in black. Sliding my robe off my shoulders, I pulled on the lace bra and panties, my teeth gritted in frustration. I hated that he controlled me so entirely, even choosing what to wear beneath my clothes, that only he would see … maybe before, but never again. Not after the other night. I’d cut off his fingers before he slipped another piece of clothing off me.One more night,I promised myself—I’d make sure to take off my makeup as soon as we got home, let him be reminded of what he’d done, and then I’d leave tomorrow.

I slipped on the black evening gown that Tommaso had picked out, the soft silk of the underskirt sliding against my skin. A shiver ran up my spine at the sensation, and vitriol rose in my throat at having anything that man had touched on my skin. My skin crawled as I imagined the fabric as his hands sliding down my body, possessively running over my curves as though he owned me. I swallowed down the bile, pushing that thought from my head. I’d been so torn between the desire and disgust his touch elicited only a few days ago, but now after he struck me all that remained was revulsion for the man I’d spent the last six years with—the man who at one point I’d resigned myself to being the only option. The neckline of the dress came down low enough that it made me wonder if I should wear the bra under it, but I wouldn’t allow the asshole the satisfaction of having me there without a layer of clothing on, wearing it as part of my armor.

I strode back over to the vanity to collect my things and paused when I caught my reflection, scowling back at the woman in the full-length mirror—the bright red lipstick and perfect skin, it was all a lie. But it was one I wouldn’t have to live with for much longer. Tommaso already told me he’d be having brunch with his father tomorrow morning, so that would be my chance. I couldn’t look anything up though, I couldn’t let there be any breadcrumbs to follow, not this time. My fingers gently clasped the wad of bills sitting on the counter and slid them into the clutch I’d have with me tonight. I couldn’t let there be any trace of it, couldn’t risk Tommaso finding it sometime during the night. This was my only ticket out of here, so I had to keep it close by my side, guarding it like the dragon hoards its treasure.

Rachel Callahan's Novels