Page 9 of Devil’s Escape

“Stupidbox,”Imuttered,crouching down to push the massive thing across the hardwood floor. Sweat beaded on my brow, and I paused my movements to swipe a hand over it. I went from packing a small bag to run away with to now having to unpack all my worldly possessions. Things that clearly meant absolutely nothing to me since I was willing to do away with them all. I scowled down at the brown cardboard, internally scolding myself for accumulating this much junk over the years. But especially after high school, having access to the kind of money I could never have even fathomed was my only escape. I spent and spent, to fill the hole inside of me, or perhaps it was my own little rebellion against Tommaso and his family. However, it never really helped since everything I bought had to be from one of the luxury brands Tommaso approved of so I “portrayed their level of wealth.” I had no idea just how much had been in the condo in New York until I was faced with unpacking it all into the massive house.

At least I hadn’t been the one to pack it all up. No, Tommaso took the liberty of having everything packed and sent over from New York. It had all arrived the next day, and I had no doubt the timing was so close just to show how stupid I’d been to believe I would get away with it. But desperate people do desperate things, and my need to escape him, to escape this town, only grew with each day I spent locked away in this fortress.

“You’re going to scratch the floor if you keep doing that,” Tommaso said, huffing out a sigh of exasperation from behind me.

“Why don’t you lift it for me then?” Turning to face him, I plaster a mocking, saccharine smile on my face. My hands clenched at my sides, pushing down the urge to strangle the fucker. He helped—some—but his excuse was that he was busy tying up loose ends in New York … which wasmyfault of course.

“I wish I could, but I’m heading out for the night to meet with a few business associates,” he said in a dry tone, leaning casually against the bedroom door. I schooled my face, not letting the jolt of excitement that ran through me show. My pulse pounded in my ears, and I fought to remain focused, pushing the plans rushing through my mind onto the back burner. “Can I trust you on your own?”

“I’m not a child,” I ground out between gritted teeth, but I bit back the rest of my retort, not wanting to push too far. This was the first opportunity I had to be on my own since we got here five days ago, and I couldn’t instill any doubt within him.

He quirked an eyebrow in question, but his contemptuous look turned lascivious as he scanned my body, taking in the tight, matching black sports bra and yoga pants clinging to my skin. “No, you aren’t,” he drawled, his dark tone making my skin crawl. I suppressed the urge to shudder and gave him a pointed glare. “I see you’re still frosty.” He chuckled, pushing off from the wall to stalk over to me, like a lion closing in on its prey.

My stomach sank at that thought—I never wanted to be the victim, to be weak, powerless, like a lamb to the slaughter. The embers flickered inside of me then, as though reminding me that I could still fight, that I could still get out of here. I wouldn’t let him break me, mold me into some brainless fuck toy for him. Because soon enough, that’s all I would be—that’s all I would crave, the moments of pleasure between the emptiness of it all. I realized I was heading down a dark path, by embracing that desire but sometimes they were the only thing that had made life bearable. I hated that I’d fallen headlong into using that release to cope with my bleak future, but that all changed the second his jealous rage finally exploded. The spell had broken enough for me to take that leap.

He closed in on me, his fingers gently clasping my chin and tipping it up so my eyes met his half-lidded gaze. My pulse hammered in my ears, half in fear and half in anticipation. I sucked in a shuddering breath, the blood draining from my face as I attempted to fight against the weakening power he held over me. Grinding my teeth, I pushed back from him, pulling every ounce of willpower I had to put some distance between us.

His brow furrowed in confusion, watching me intently as though I were some sort of puzzle he was trying to figure out. I pulled my shoulders back, willing my spine to go ramrod straight, not allowing him to catch any sign of weakness. A spark of intrigue glimmered in his eyes and a grin stretched his lips. My defiance apparently amused him.

“Don’t wait up for me, mi amore.” With that, he gave me one last parting look before straightening his suit jacket and striding out to the hallway. Waiting with bated breath, I stood deathly still, not wanting to make a sound. His movements echo through the expansive house, footsteps reverberating on the marble tile in the entryway. I slowly slipped my phone from my pocket, the screen immediately illuminating the time for me. It was five forty-five, and judging by his parting words, not only would he be out for dinner, he’d be going out with his father’s men afterward.

But it could all be a ploy; he could be waiting to see what I do. He hadn’t technically told me to stay inside, so if he gets home before me, I can always say I went out for a bite to eat. I fought the urge to fidget, needing to hear the door close and see the car pull from the driveway to truly believe it. As though he could hear my thoughts, the hinges squeaked on the front door, his muttered curse following it at the quality of materials, and he slammed it behind him. The sound reverberated off the walls, and although I’d expected it, I jolted from the crash, my phone clattering to the floor in front of me. I didn’t bother picking it up, instead I eased over to the bedroom window, my steps silent in case he hadn’t left the house. I would believe it when I saw it.

Pulling the curtains aside, I peeked through the small gap, my ears peeled for any noise inside or outside of the house. A breath of relief slipped past my lips as his car came into view, easing around the cobblestone roundabout as the gate opened. My eyes narrowed as I attempted to make out the form behind the wheel because I wouldn’t put it past him to have someone drive his car just as a scheme to see what I’d do.

His eyes lifted to the rearview mirror, and I hurriedly stepped back, the curtain swinging closed to shutter out the thin stream of light that beamed into the room. I slumped back against the wall, some of the tension slipping off my shoulders now that I was alone.

The silence pushed in on me, and although waves of relief washed over me, a different sort of pressure began to mount. I hadn’t thought I’d get this opportunity, especially not this soon, so I had to make this count.

Thankfully not only did Tommaso not trust me, he also didn’t trust his guys near me. Meaning there were no staff on site, no guards at the gate. There’d be cameras though, that’s for sure. He’d know that I left, I’d just have to make it quick enough that he’d believe I just went out to eat.

Rushing back over to where I dropped my phone, I stooped down and plucked it up, the face recognition automatically unlocking my home screen. My finger shook as I rushed to click the maps button. I may have known every inch of this town once upon a time, but six years could change things. I scanned the screen, my foot anxiously tapping the floor as I rack my brain for somewhere to go. I had to get a job, that was number one on my list.

Now that Tommaso emptied my account, I’d need to either open another or make sure I get paid under the table in cash. Not many places would do that though—not many places would even hire me with my connection to the Barones. East Haven was a small town and word traveled fast. I had no doubt in my mind that most people already knew of our arrival even though neither of us had left the sprawling estate yet. Tommaso conveniently had everything delivered to us, not that I was complaining, there wasn’t a single soul in the place I wanted to run into again. My mind drifted to the two people I’d do anything for, and my heart panged at the thought of seeing them again. I wished more than anything that I could go back, that I could change things, but after what I did, I knew any run-in would not be pleasant. It would crush my soul even further to see the disdain in their eyes, to see the hatred in their sneers.

I scanned the map again, pushing those thoughts from my mind and searching for somewhere not controlled by the Barones. Before I left there were a few gangs that stood up to them that held some territory near the outskirts of town. I pushed the map over in that area and paused when I found a bar named The Inferno. Chewing my lip, I clicked on it but not much information popped up, only a generic image, not even a phone number.

Hell, I could be walking straight into an abduction. My only hope at escape may just be my undoing. Who better to hold hostage thanthefiancé of Tommaso Barone? I grimaced at the thought, but what choice did I have? If any place would be willing to give me a job, it might be them.

Frowning back down at the screen, I attempted to do another search but still nothing came up about the bar. Who knew, it could very well have changed hands in the last six years, and I could be walking straight into an establishment run by the very people I was looking to escape. But as I shook, attempting to dispel some of the tension radiating through me as my desperation mounted, I knew that I had to take that risk.

I huffed out a breath and tossed my phone on the bed, conjuring every ounce of courage I had. These were gangs we grew up fearing, seeking the safety of the Barones’ rule rather than being terrorized by them. And now I was going to them for help. But after the past six years, I was used to being surrounded by dangerous men and women, so this wouldn’t really be any different … would it?

Out of the frying pan and into the fire as they say—or I guess The Inferno. I could only hope I wasn’t exchanging one demon for another …

Chapter five



Itappedmyfingersagainst the steering wheel in a steady staccato, needing something to dispel the anxious energy spinning around me like a tornado. The heavy squeal of the wrought-iron gates made me wince as they creaked open for me. Thankfully Tommaso gave me the gate code and the keys to a brand-new car as a peace offering earlier this week. Despite his need to control me, he knew I would need to leave the house at some point. I could only hope that this wouldn’t be the tipping point to strip away these last vestiges of freedom from me.

My foot eased on the gas pedal, and I maneuvered the car onto the street slowly, still remembering how to drive after years in the city. I grimaced as I looked out over the hood, my stomach turning at the bright cherry red that shined back at me in the last rays of the setting sun. Of course, not only did he have to get me the most obnoxious and memorable car ever, he also had to get another jab in there since it was the same shade as Merrick wanted for his Chevy. The thought brought up memories both wistful and painful since I never got to see it fully restored. I idly wondered if he still had the car, wishing, despite myself, that I could see him again.No Giana, you’re the last person he’d want to see,I reminded myself, focusing back on the road as I rolled to a pause at the stop sign.

The engine purred beneath me, nothing like the deep rumble of Merrick’s restoration project. Leave it to Tommaso to get me a car that no one would be able to ignore, ensuring I would have eyes on me at all times. It was obvious from the stares I was already receiving that anyone would be able to tell the Barones if they saw my Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet driving past.

The movements came easy to me despite my lack of experience at driving. I hadn’t really driven many times, other than when Merrick would let me drive his car—my own parents not caring whether or not I ever got my license. If it hadn’t been for him, I’m not sure I ever would’ve been able to learn. This damn place, every street, every shop reminded me of Merrick and Kellan, and I could only hope I would be able to keep my distance from them, for their sake and for mine. Because, although things ended badly between us—our friendship severed by my actions—I still held on to the good times we’d had. Imagining what could have happened if all our dreams came true was one of the only things that helped me get any sleep at night, until my dreams turned to nightmares.

Rachel Callahan's Novels