Page 23 of The Chaos You Crave

“What are you talking about?” She gritted through her teeth.

“You wanted my attention, didn’t you? That’s why you wore this outfit. To toy with my head. I know it wasn’t for ourteacher.” I trailed the tip of my tongue up the soft skin of her neck.

“What is,” Ashtyn shoved off my lap with force. “Wrong with you? You have problems, West. Truly. You’re jealous of a teacher."

"I'm letting him know that if he fucks with you, he's fucking with me. And then I'll beat his ass if he tries anything. He's already been warned, the ball is in his court now.”

"You're incorrigible, West Moretti. And by the way, you should probably call Kendra about yourlittle problem," she pointed at the bulge in my jeans and stomped off in her boots.

Little problem, my ass.

"Make sure you don't forget about her this time," she called over her shoulder.

Ihadforgotten about that meeting I set up with Kendra. I made it without thinking, more of a way to shut up the little voice in my head, and then I caught a glimpse of Ashtyn in that outfit and about fell to the floor. All thoughts of Kendra blowing me in the locker room were long gone.

The only girl I wanted on her knees was the one who didn't want to be near me.



Myplansdidn’tworkout as I’d hoped. Understatement of the year. I hadplannedto get West where it hurts and flirt with Mr. Reynolds right in front of his face. What I hadn’t planned was West acting like a possessive, psycho boyfriend and laying claim on me right in the middle of class.

He was so hard–and I mean every inch of him was hard. His arms, his chest, his thighs.His dick. Why did he have a boner with me on his lap? Was he that desperate for some pussy? Or did the idea of mortifying me in front of Mr. Reynolds turn him on?

And that sinful tongue…I knew what it was capable of. I’d thought about it enough in the last two years–even though I hated to admit it, no sexual encounter had ever compared to the one with West. It wasn’t like the three guys I’d been with weren’t skilled–they were. Both were college-aged and had plenty of experience under their belts. There just wasn’t a spark. There wasn’t veiled angry energy waiting to combust. That kind of rage/lust attraction you read about in smutty books.

West was a juxtaposition to me–he was solid and firm, and I was soft and pliable. I melted into his body for just a moment. It threw me off, like on Saturday at Aces when his smoldering eyes consumed my body. I couldn’t help it. He made me want to jump him and never let him go until I was thoroughly fucked. And maybe not even then.

I had problems.

I decided to hit the library after school, mostly to get my homework done but also to soak up the free air conditioning. I was knee-deep in a differential equation when my phone buzzed with a text from Asshole AKA West. I changed his name in my phone afterthat night.

Asshole: What time are you coming over? I'll be home from the gym at 7:00.

Um, what the actual fuck? Was West seriously planning on me going over to his house when he said that to Mr. Reynolds?

Me: ???

Asshole: You said you were coming over to work on our project. I need help coming up with ideas.

Me: YOU said I was coming over, I never agreed to shit. And the point of the assignment is to think of something meaningful to YOU. How would I know the answer to that?

Asshole: Maybe if we talked, a light bulb would go off in my head and I could pick something. I'm drawing a blank.

Me: You can't think of anything memorable in your life?… Make something up if you have to.

Asshole: I'd prefer it if you came over and we could talk it out.

Me: Not happening.

Asshole: Why not? :(

Me: Because after that stunt you pulled today in class, I'm not going anywhere near you.

Asshole: Does that mean you'll finally sit somewhere else at lunch?

Me: Not a chance. My ass will be at your table every single day for the rest of the year.

Danielle Renee's Novels