Page 31 of The Chaos You Crave

“Thanks, princess.” I nudged her hip with my elbow.

“What’s with the nickname?” She continued to dab around on the canvas. She tilted her head like that would give her a better perspective.

“I like it,” I shrugged. “Tell me it doesn’t fit.”

“It doesn’t fit,” she deadpanned.

“See, I think it does. You like to act tough but you’re just a little mouse.”

“Have you been talking to Gabby?”

I laughed. “No, but it’s true, isn’t it? I just mean you're nice and…good, under all that bravado. You’re feisty when cornered but–"

"But," interrupted Cade. "You're a good girl deep down, aren't you, baby girl?"

"Not always," Ashtyn shrugged. She plopped the paintbrush in a cup of dirty water. "I'm not one for believing in karma–a lot of good people have bad things happen to them no matter what they do, and vice versa–but I don't go out of my way to be mean. To most people, at least."

"Now tell me," Cade said as he put his paintbrush down and scratched his chin. "What's a guy gotta do to get Gabriela Keyes to agree to a date?"

“You full-named her? Wow,” Ashtyn laughed and I tried not to grin. "You're serious? You want to go out with Gabby?"

"Well, yeah.”

Ashtyn's features hardened. "I'm not helping you get a date with my best friend if you're just trying to get in her pants."

"I'm not, I swear. I like her, it's just…she's a hard nut to crack."

"You want her because you can't have her." It wasn't a question. Ashtyn was already sure of it.

"No! She just doesn't take me seriously. That's why I need your help. What does she like? In a guy, I mean?"

Ashtyn paused momentarily. "You need to talk to her. Real talk. None of the flirty bullshit that you use on every single girl in the tri-county area. Just a conversation."

"A conversation, huh? I'm not sure if I'm any good at that," Cade said dejectedly.

I chuckled at the exchange. Since when did Cade have problems talking to girls? The guy pulled more tail than anyone at our school. More than me and Axel put together.

“I know she already likes youphysically–and don’t tell her I told you that–but you need to work on that personality. The fake one you use in front of your posse? Yeah, she doesn’t like that. The cheesy pickup lines and come-ons? Just don’t.”

“Shit, should I be taking notes?”

"I can talk to her first if you want. Buffer a little. If, and only if, you swear you're not doing this to sleep with her and then ditch her. I have to trust you on this, Cade.” Ashtyn leaned against the table and gave him a stern look. After what I'd done to her, I'm sure she was a little gun-shy setting up her best friend with my best friend. Birds of a feather and all that.

"I'm not fucking around, Ash. I want to get to know her better. I don't want her to think of me like–"

"Like Cade Vincent?" I questioned.

"Yeah," he sighed. “I think you’re onto something with this whole celibacy thing. It’s making me see things more clearly. It’s weird.”

“It’s beendayssince you’ve gotten a blow job. Talk to me in a few months.”

Ashtyn fiddled with the hem of her shirt. I could see her mind working. Her eyebrows furrowed as she finally looked at Cade. "If I talk to her about this, I swear if you hurt her, I'll fucking kill you. That girl is one of the few people in this world that I care about."

"You'll talk to her? When? Should I call her tonight? Maybe I should text her?"

"I'm going for coffee after school with her and Bronx. I'll talk to her then. But if she says no, that’s your problem. I'm not going to beg on your behalf."

Cade grabbed Ashtyn for a hug, a smile lighting up his face. His eyes sparkled with hope and anticipation as Ashtyn removed his arms from her.

Danielle Renee's Novels