Page 65 of The Chaos You Crave

“You want to know what we’re doing, like in detail? Not sure I feel comfortable doing that,” I said, avoiding his eye contact.

“Bro, if you’re just fucking around, you better say something to her.”

I dropped my fork and met his glare with my own, even more terrifying look. “I don’t see how any of this is your business.”

“It is my business because she’s my friend and I know how she is. I leave for the weekend and come back and you’re fucking. If you’re just screwing around with her to get your rocks off and ditch her again then–”

“Then what? Are you going to swoop in and rescue her? Got something you need to tell me, little brother?”

“Jesus West, that’s not what I meant. You know I don’t like Ash that way.” Bronx looked down at his plate of mushy vegetables. “I don’t want you to hurt her again.”

“What me and Ash do isn’t anyone else's business, okay? I’m not going to hurt her. Except when she asks me to,” I smirked at myself, no one else at the table paying me any attention. Cade scoffed under his breath, the first indication that he’d been listening to our conversation.

“Have something you’d like to add?” I asked him.

“No, I just don’t want your girlfriend sitting here if she’s going to bring her littlefriendalong.” Cade pointed to the lunch line where Ashtyn and Gabby were standing, waiting to pay for their food. Gabby had a sullen look on her face, similar to the one Cade was sporting.

“You have something against Gabby now? Usually you’re drooling all over the table staring at her.”

“Not anymore. I don’t want her sitting here.”

Okay, that was out of left field. It wasn’t a secret that Cade had a major hard-on for Gabby. They were grinding all over each other at Axel’s party on Saturday. As I was about to ask him what happened, Ashtyn and Gabby walked up to the table. Ash dropped her book bag down on her chair and Gabby gripped her tray of food with white knuckles, averting her eyes away from us.

“Hey princess, you’re more than welcome to sit here. But your friend is not,” Cade said robotically.

Ashtyn narrowed her gaze on Cade and looked to Gabby, who was fascinated with her tray. “What the hell?”

We were all staring at Cade, waiting for an explanation about his attitude. The guy was rarely rude to anyone, so seeing him lash out at Gabby was out of character.

“I’ll just go, Ash,” Gabby said quietly.

Ashtyn grabbed her arm before she could leave. “No, you’re sitting here with me. Like we do every day.”

“Fine!” Cade yelled as he pushed himself back from the table. He stood and gathered his sandwich and apple, and kicked his chair back in. “I’llgo sit elsewhere. Enjoy your lunch,” he spat before going to sit at the football table.

“What’s his deal?” Axel asked, finally removing his face from his phone.

“No idea,” I said as I shoveled some food in my mouth. I’d bother him about it later once he had some time to cool off.

Ashtyn sat down and looked at Gabby, waiting for her to sit. Tears welled up in her eyes and she spun around quickly. In a blue-haired blur, she ran to the trash can and threw her food away before running for the cafeteria doors.

“I’m gonna go check on her,” Ashtyn said with an apologetic glance. She grabbed her bag and power-walked out of the cafeteria, her short skirt sashaying as she moved.

Bronx stabbed a piece of broccoli and took a bite. “Damn, a few days away and all hell breaks loose.”



“Gabby,pleasetalktome,” I said as I banged on the bathroom door. I tried to follow her but she’d locked me out. She’d been acting strange all day. She wouldn’t tell me what happened Saturday after I snuck out of the party with West, but I knew something was bothering her. I banged on the door again and the lock clicked.

I pushed in the door and looked at my friend. Tears ran down her face, her eye makeup was smudged, and she stared down at her feet. I wrapped my arms around her, stroking her electric blue hair. She sniffled and hugged me back.

“Tell me what happened so I can fix it.”

She dropped her arms and walked to the sink, turning on the cold water to wash her face. “You can’t help, Ash. That’s the problem.”

“Did something happen between you and Cade on Saturday? I feel like an awful friend for ditching you. I thought you two were having fun and would want some privacy.”

Danielle Renee's Novels