Page 79 of The Chaos You Crave

I craved it again.

It’d been so long since I let myself get to that place. I was ashamed to admit I was struggling. Remington was the only one who knew about my dirty little secret. I never even told Gabby about it. I kept myself in check for over a year. The last time it happened was when I found Mom passed out in her own vomit. She spent the day bitching at me, calling me names, saying she wanted to go back in time and abort me while I cleaned up her puke.

That little slice I allowed myself was like releasing all the hurt, the tears, the frustration from my body. I hid in the bathroom and chased that release. Of course, once I was done and the cut was healed, I was still me, and I still cleaned up Mom’s puke when she was too drunk to function.

As soon as it was midnight, I punched out and grabbed my things from the locker room, practically running out the door to get some fresh air. I checked my phone again and saw an email from Gabby. An email, really?

My parents caught me sneaking out! They took everything. Phone, tablet, even my fricking TV! I’m soooo sorry Ash. I can’t get over there to pick you up. I hope you get this email. I’m using an old laptop I had buried under my bed.

Well fuck. My eyes welled back up with unshed tears. I’d been doing so well keeping them inside.

Calling the guys for a ride wouldn’t do any good since they were all thoroughly wasted at Axel’s. Not that I wanted to be around any of them at the moment.

Chloe was working until four a.m. so she couldn’t give me a ride. I could call an Uber but it would be expensive, and they creeped me out late at night in this area. I was out of options. As I pulled up the app, an expensive-looking black car stopped next to me and the window rolled down.

“Ashtyn? What are you doing out here so late?”

“Mr. Reynolds? Hi, uh, oh I was here with friends,” I half-lied.

“I was just on my way home from a friend’s house in Castle Grove. Do you need a ride?” He pushed the passenger door open.

“Uh…” I trailed off. I didn’t want to get in a car with him, but I also didn’t want to pay–and wait–for an Uber. “Sure, one second.”

I walked near the back of his car and bent down like I was tying my shoe. I snapped a picture of the license plate and it hit me that I had no one to send the picture to. Gabby had her phone repossessed and…there wasn’t anyone else who gave a shit about my whereabouts. Tucking that thought in the back of my mind, I put my phone away and got in the car. It was fancy and sleek with silky, leather seats. It was a Mercedes AMG GT, I noted. Probably worth about 100k. Not something a teacher’s salary could afford.

“Thank you. I live on Magnolia Lane. South side, but I’m sure you already gathered that.”

“It’s fine Ashtyn. So, what’s a high schooler doing in a bar on a Saturday night?” He eyed me suspiciously.

“Just doing teenage shit, I guess. Shit, sorry.”

“Hey, I’m off-duty. You won’t get detention for cursing,” he laughed. “It surprises me. You don’t seem like the type to go out drinking. Your boyfriend on the other hand…”

“I don’t have a boyfriend.” Fuck, why did I let that slip? I was happy to let him think West and I were together. Although it’d be obvious when we were at school since West was avoiding me and I didn’t want him in my sight after that photo-op.

We rode in silence for a while until he picked the topic back up again. “I thought you did. Well, either way, I hope you’re making good choices for your future. You’re such a talented artist. It’d be a shame for that to go to waste.”

“Thanks, Mr.–”

“Daniel,” he cut me off.

“Daniel.I’m applying to GPU soon.”

“Do you know what you want to study?”

“I want to be an art teacher.”

“Really?” He smiled.

Shit, I needed to shut my mouth and stop giving out so much information.

“Gunning for my job, huh?” He laughed at his joke. “If there’s anything I can do to help you, let me know. A recommendation letter, job shadowing, anything.”

“Thank you, Mr.–Daniel. I’d appreciate that. Oh, we’re here,” I said as he pulled into my driveway.

He looked up at my house and glanced next door to West’s with a scowl. He quickly replaced it with a smile when he looked back at me. “See you on Monday. Try to stay out of trouble.”

I stared at his taillights as he sped down the road, and realized I never told him what house was mine, yet he knew exactly where to go.

Danielle Renee's Novels