The flavor of Wolf’s blood explodes against my tongue, sending a wave of pure need through me. I start moving on Malachi’s cock, but I keep Wolf’s arm in an iron grip. “More,” I growl against his skin.

“Malachi?” Later, it will irritate me that Wolf looks to Malachi for guidance instead of taking me at my word. Right now, I can’t think past the delicious taste of him coating my tongue and throat.

“Don’t stop.” His grip pulses on my hips, guiding me to the rhythm that feels the best, long slow strokes that have me rubbing him exactly where I need him. Rylan shifts behind me to run his hand down my stomach and press his fingers to my clit. Another long pull of Wolf’s blood and I lose it.

I slam down on Malachi’s cock, sobbing my way through an orgasm. It’s good. Too damn good. But I don’t want it to stop. “More!”



Wolf gently pulls his arm from my grasp and then Rylan’s is there, blood already streaming. In the back of my mind, a voice whispers that I should stop, that they need their blood more than I do, but I can’t. It’s like the first taste has peeled away my civilized layers, leaving only the animal beneath. I need their blood, their bodies. I need more.

Malachi moves me over his cock, his expression intense as he watches my face. It’s not pleasure alone lurking in his dark eyes. I’m too far gone to nuance it out. Not with Rylan’s blood like fire on my tongue. I moan and whimper, drinking deep even as another orgasm bears down on me. It’s almost too much, but when has that stopped us?

My orgasm drags Malachi along with me this time. He growls my name as he comes, grinding up into me in the most delicious way. Rylan starts to take his arm back, but I dig my nails in. “Not yet.”

“Mina.” Malachi sits up and wrenches my mouth from Rylan’s arm. I whimper and lunge for it, but he catches me lightly be the throat. His dark brows draw together. “Something’s wrong.”

“The only thing that’s wrong is that you won’t let me drink.” My gaze snags on the throbbing pulse point in his throat. “Just a little more, Malachi. Please.” I hate how wheedling my tone goes, but it’s like I don’t have control of my body, my tongue. “I’mfamished.”

He glances over my shoulder, conveying something to Rylan. It’shimwho lifts me off Malachi and makes a cage of his arms when I start to struggle. “Peace, Mina.”

“Let me go.”

“You’re not acting like yourself.”

I part my lips to command him to let me go, but Wolf is there, pressing his hand to my mouth. There’s the tiniest cut there, barely enough to bleed at all and already healing supernaturally fast. But it’s enough. It cuts my command off in its tracks.

Concern lines his handsome face. “This won’t hold her long.”

“Rylan?” Malachi is up and off the bed, moving around behind us. Part of me wants to twist to watch him, but I’m too busy licking Wolf’s palm, trying to get every bit of blood I can manage.

Rylan’s arms tense around me. “Either her seraphim powers are lashing out after the separation…or it’s the pregnancy. We have no way of knowing for sure.”

“Why not just let her drink her fill?” Wolf switches hands, a new cut on his other palm that he presses to my lips. I moan a little in response and lean forward as far as I can with Rylan restraining me. “She’s not going to be able to drain all three of us, and even if she did, she wouldn’t kill us.”

“Maybe,” Rylan says darkly. “Or maybe she’d be glutted and keep going until there was nothing left. It could develop into frenzy.”

Wolf laughs, but it’s a shadow of his usual mad cackle. “You’re thinking demons and werewolves, Rylan. Vampires don’t frenzy.”

I tense, waiting for Rylan to argue, but he just huffs out a breath. “There’s always a first time. I’ve never seen a pregnant seraph, either. Who knows what happens during that time? They kept their secrets too close. We have no way of anticipating what happens next.”

Malachi reappears in front of us. He’s tied back his hair and has a knife in his hand. “We can’t keep her restrained and gagged. We see this through. It’s the only way to know for sure.”


He sends Rylan a sharp look. “We see this through,” he repeats.

Something about this should bother me, but I can’t think past the fact Wolf’s hand has healed and I’ve licked it clean. “More.”

“Come here, little dhampir. I’ve got more for you.” Malachi leans back against the headboard and motions with his free hand. “Release her.”

Part of me expects Rylan to keep arguing, but he curses. “If this doesn’t work—”

“Stop thinking so hard and go by instinct.” Wolf shifts to kneel next to Malachi. His pale blue eyes take us in, more serious than he’s ever been. “Worst case, she takes too much, we wrestle her off him, gag her, and toss her in a basement until we figure things out.”

“That is not a plan,” Rylan snaps.