And Rylan?

Rylan kisses me like he never needs to breathe. The slow slide of his tongue against mine mimics Malachi’s against my clit, almost perfectly in sync. It’s so good and nowhere near enough.

They overwhelm me, moving with such synchronization, it’s as if they’ve done this before. Maybe they have. And through it all, Malachi and Wolf’s power thrums through me, making me feel weightless and yet all too present in my body. I have the frenzied thought that I could fly, just levitate directly off this bed and shoot out the window to dance with the stars.

Malachi brings me to the edge again and lifts his head. I fight against Rylan’s hold, fight to reach for Malachi and force him back to my aching pussy. I arch back, breaking the kiss the tiniest amount. “Please.” My voice is rough and I’m damn near sobbing. “Please, no more.”

The vampires pause. Wolf drags his mouth along the underside of my breast. “Dibs on her ass.”


But they aren’t listening. Rylan shifts back, using his grip on my wrists to pull me up from the bed. Malachi rolls onto his back, taking me with him, and I end up perched above his face with Rylan kneeling in front of me. I blink at them. “Um.”

“Trust me.” Malachi gives my pussy one last thorough kiss and then retreats.

The mattress dips as Wolf moves to my back and Rylan releases one hand to press it between my shoulder blades, easing me down until my face presses against the mattress. The new position leaves my ass in the air, leaves me completely vulnerable, but I can’t bring myself to care. My body pulses in time with my heartbeat. I’m so wound up, it won’t take much to shove me over the edge. I’ve never been denied like this, never beenplayed withlike this.

I think I love it.

Something cool and wet spreads down my ass, and I barely have a chance to understand what’s happening when a hard cock presses to that tight entrance. I tense. I can’t help it. “Wait.”

Wolf—because it is Wolf at my back—hesitates. “Relax, love.”

Yeah, not likely. I start to lift my head, but Rylan shifts his hand to my hair. I tense further, expecting… I’m not sure what I expect. It’s not for him to run his fingers through my hair. It feels good, almost like comfort, but surely I’m misunderstanding. He keeps doing it and gentles his grip on my wrist. “Breathe, Mina. Relax. Let him in.”

I take a breath, and then another. Slowly, oh so slowly, my muscles relax one by one. Wolf strokes my hips, my ass, the small of my back. “That’s it, love. Let me in.” He eases a little more into me.

I’m not sure if I expect pain, but it’s more of a strange fullness. Nothing like when he and Malachi fucked my pussy. But not unpleasant. I take another breath and relax completely, giving myself over to this.

Rylan keeps stroking my hair, Wolf keeps touching me, keeps murmuring meaningless words in a low voice as he works his cock farther and farther into my ass. And then his hips meet mine and he exhales harshly. “Fuck, that feels good.”

“Hold it together.” This from Malachi.

I turn my head to find him kneeling on the other side, watching us with fire in his eyes. Behind him, the flames remains safely in the fireplace but they’ve flared so high, they fill the space completely. How much of that is from when he ate my pussy and how much is from watching Wolf’s cock sink into my ass? I don’t know if I care.

“We’re moving, love.” Wolf bands an arm around my hips and rolls carefully onto his back, taking me with him. It makes him shift inside me, and I can’t stop myself from whimpering. Wolf kisses my temple. “Does it hurt?”

“No,” I gasp.

Malachi moves to kneel between my thighs. His cock looks even bigger than it did this morning, and I lick my lips as I stare at it. It couldn’t be clearer what their plans are, and I’m not sure I’m going to survive it. I’m not sure I care. I glance at Rylan and frown. “What—”

“Not yet.”

Malachi braces one hand beside me and Wolf and wraps a fist around his cock. He drags his blunt head through my folds and up to circle my clit. I whimper and writhe, but Wolf grabs my hips and forces me still. His breath is harsh against my temple. “It feels too good when you do that.”

“Thought you could go for days,” Malachi says, but he’s too focused on the sight of his cock rubbing my pussy for the comment to sting. He notches himself at my entrance and then he’s pressing in, in, in.

I can’t breathe.

It’s too much. I’m too full. They’re too big.

I open my mouth to tell them that, to beg them to… I don’t even know. Hurry up? Stop? Something.

Rylan kisses me before I can give the words voice. He devours my whimpers and pleas as Malachi works his thick cock into me in short, steady strokes. I think I’m sobbing. I don’t know. The sensations are so intense, it feels like I’m floating above my body, watching the scene play out. Malachi’s muscles flex as he works himself into me until he’s fully sheathed. And then he goes still, aside from the little tremors that shake his body.

Only then does Rylan lift his head. He moves back enough to grab the knife and use it to slice a deep cut into his forearm, deeper than he cut Wolf or Malachi. He looks at Malachi as he presses his forearm to my mouth. “Now.”

Malachi moves the moment Rylan’s blood hits my tongue. He begins to fuck me in slow, deep thrusts, never quite pulling out all the way before he drives into me again. Beneath me, Wolf doesn’t move, but he doesn’t have to. His cock fills me, adding to the sensation every time Malachi thrusts deep. And the power of Rylan’s blood surges through me, until it feels like my hair is floating around me.