“There’s nothing else.”

I wish I believed him.

Not for the first time, I wish we were just two people who’d met under normal circumstances. I don’t even know how that would work. I can’t imagine running into Malachi in a coffee shop or on a street or in the thousands of other places meet-cutes happen in fiction. Going on a normal human date? It defies comprehension. What a mess. I slump down against his chest, and he tenses a little like I’ve surprised him. I close my eyes. “I hate this.”

“We’re in an adjustment period.”

That almost makes me laugh. Almost. “I am magically bound to three vampires that I barely know, two of which would be only too happy to murder me.”

“Wolf likes you.”

I open my eyes and lift my head so I can shoot him the look that statement deserves. “Wolf might like me just fine. Sometimes. We both know that doesn’t change the truth of my statement.”

He shrugs a single shoulder. “None of us are going to hurt you. Last night was an anomaly.”

Hurt is such a strange concept. I was a child when I realized that physical hurt is far preferable to the pain someone can cause with their words, with their willingness to lock me away and deprive me of their attention. Compared to that, being beaten is almost a relief. At least I knowthatpain will fade.

The pain and fear I felt last night was massively overshadowed by pleasure. Not to mention the easing of the pressure on the bond between me and Rylan. The cost is more than worth the reward from where I’m sitting, but I don’t need to ask Malachi to know he doesn’t agree.

“Teach me to shield.”

“Tomorrow.” He digs his hands into my hair and gives it a light tug. “After we spar.”

A groan slips free before I have a chance to stop it. “Ihatesparring.” Even with Malachi’s blood having nearly healed my formerly shattered knee, it’s readily apparent that I’ll never be as fast or strong as he is. Whatever else is true about the seraphim, they’re nowhere near as physically superior as vampires are. Against a human? I can hold my own and then some. Against Malachi? I doubt I’ll ever be able to. “You always kick my ass.”

“You’re getting stronger.” The way he says it, I’m tempted to believe it’s true.

I frown. “I’ll never be a match for you.”

“Of course not.” He gives me a slow grin that has my stomach doing flips. “I’m older and stronger than you.” He leans forward until his lips brush the shell of my ear. “You need to learn to fight dirty.”

“Idofight dirty.” I have since I realized I’d never win in a fair fight, a lesson I learned long before I ever met Malachi.

His chuckle is more like a rumble. “You’re terrible at it.”

“Wow, thanks. That’s such an enlightening criticism.”

“We’ll invite Wolf to spar. He can teach you a thing or two.”

I sigh. “I bet. Though it’s going to end with me bitten and us fucking.”

“Is that so bad?” Malachi shifts against me, pulling me back so our hips are sealed together. He’s still hard, but healwaysseems to be hard when we get close. It’s a little mind-blowing, but I’m not exactly complaining. I like fucking him. I likehim. If this situation were different…

But it’s not.

He might have enjoyed the sex before we were forcibly bonded when my powers emerged, but if last night proved anything it’s that now he doesn’t have a choice. Neither of us do. “It is when the alternative is potentially death.”

“Mina, I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you.” He guides me to roll my hips again, sliding one hand up my spine until my breasts press against his chest and I put my arms around his neck. His lips brush my ear. “Even in a frenzy and half-starved, I had to get my mouth on your pussy. You can’t blame the bond for that.”

No, but I could blame the whole being-half-starved thing.

I see his point, though. I don’t know if I’m willing to accept it, but I see it. I draw in a harsh breath. “We’re going to talk to the demon. Getting rid of the bond doesn’t mean getting rid of you.”

“It better not.” His voice lowers, becoming nearly a growl. “Wolf wasn’t lying yesterday. I have to make myself walk away from you, little dhampir. All I want is to chain you to a bed and fuck you until you’re filled up with me. Until you’re pregnant withmychild.”

Oh gods.

I shiver against him. “That, um, is the end goal.”