
I can’t get enough.

I suck on his tongue as he fucks me. As he shifts his angle and presses his thumb to my clit, working me until I orgasm all over his cock. I half-expect him to follow me over the edge, but Malachi has other plans.

He fucks me through my orgasm, his body a cage I don’t want to escape. Only as the last wave fades does he slow down, his strokes gaining a leisurely pace that curls my toes. He nips my bottom lip. “They won’t be back for a while.”

I dig my nails into his ass and lift my hips to take him deeper yet. “Guess we’ll have to entertain ourselves.”

“Guess so.”

We don’t stop for a very, very long time.


I’m in the kitchen the next day when I feel it. A sense of…not exactly wrongness, but an intrusion. I nearly drop the bowl I’m holding. “What isthat?”

Instantly, Malachi is on alert. “What is what?”

“There’s this…” I frown. “I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like an itch I can’t scratch.”

He narrows his eyes. “Where?”

Without looking, I point nearly behind me. “There. I can’t tell how far.”

He doesn’t hesitate. “Rylan.” Before the sound of the other vampire’s name is finishing echoing through the house, Malachi has me in his arms and he’s moving in that nearly-too-fast speed, flying through the rooms and out the front door—on the opposite side of the house from where I felt the intrusion.

Rylan lands beside us, and I get the impression that he jumped from the second or third story. His dark hair is a little ruffled, but he’s back to wearing a suit and looks freshly pressed. “What’s going on?”

“She felt something. Coming from the opposite direction.”

I expect Rylan to laugh it off. Why should he take this seriously when he barely bothers to listen to a single word that comes out of my mouth? But his gaze narrows the same way Malachi’s did. “Get to the safe house we agreed on. I’ll take a look and call Wolf to update him.” He pulls off his jacket, quickly followed by his shirt.

I tense. “Wait. I like this house. There’s no reason to run if—”

“Rylan will take a look. If he gives the signal, we’ll come back.” Malachi is already moving, rushing through the trees that surround the house at a pace I could never dream of matching. I have no choice but to cling to him. At this point, I’m just grateful that, for once, I was actually wearing clothing. My shorts and oversized T-shirt are hardly appropriate for the briskness of the weather, but it’s better than being naked.

The cry of a giant bird reaches us, and I only need to see Malachi’s face to know that it’s not good news. “They found us again?”

“Looks like it.” He picks up his pace, nearly flying across the uneven ground. “We’ll know more after we meet up with Rylan and Wolf.”

It took them less than a week to track us down this time. They’re closing the gap, and no one can figure out how. Hell, if seraphim and demons exist, maybe witches do, too. Maybe they have some sort of scrying spell. I’ll ask Malachi about it after we get out of danger. I don’tthinkany of my father’s people can match him in size, speed, and strength, but I wouldn’t have wagered on my father trapping Malachi behind a blood ward for decades on end.

I could keep peppering him with questions, but the truth is that until we regroup with the others, the only priority is to put as much distance between us and the other vampires as possible. We can’t fight, not without risking one of us getting hurt. There’s no reasoning with them. They’re following orders, and only a direct order from my father will change their course.

This is a race, but I still don’t know the parameters. I knowourgoals, but we have no idea what my father knows.

I lift my head and tug on Malachi’s shirt. “We need one of them alive.”

He glances at me without breaking stride. “That’s risky.”

“I’m aware. But we need to know if he’s pursuing us because he wants you back or if he knows what happened when we broke the blood ward.” If he knows I have seraph blood, that I awoke that power, that I’m bonded with not one, butthreeBloodline vampires…

That changes everything.

If he can get his hands on me, he’ll hold the leash for three of the seven Bloodlines. I know all too well the lengths he’ll go to get what he wants once we’re under his control. The men might be able to hold out indefinitely, but if I have to choose between keeping them alive or doing something really unforgivable, I already know what I’ll choose.

My father knows that, too.