Now, all those scars are only in my head. It feels strange.

I twist to look at Malachi. A sound almost like relief whispers from my lips at the sight of his scarred chest. That, at least, hasn’t changed. I want him to tell me the story someday. Would he still do it if the scar disappeared? The thought isn’t logical, but I can’t shake it. “Come here.”

He kisses me, a slow drugging claiming. I sink into the feel of him, let myself be buoyed by his steadiness. This. This is all that matters. I can face down all the wild magic in the world as long as Malachi remains steady at my side.

He flips me over onto my hands and knees. It gives me a great view of where Rylan and Wolf lean on each other against the headboard. They’re not exactly cuddling, but they’re notnotcuddling, either. They watch us with a barely sated hunger.

With vampire blood, there’s little to no recovery time. If I didn’t have to stop to eat, we could fuck for days, weeks, months. Maybe even years.

Malachi nudges my legs wider and then he’s guiding his cock into me. A slow, steady intrusion that has my breath gasping from my lungs. Every time.Every time. It always feels like the first time with him, like he’s claiming all over again. “You can take more,” he murmurs.

More of his cock?

More orgasms?

I don’t get a chance to ask. He braces one hand on my hip and one on my shoulder and picks up his rhythm. At this angle, every stroke slides his cock along my G-spot. I whimper, and my mind goes blank. I’m vaguely aware of my fingertips tingling as they morph into claws, of me shredding the bedding just like I’m sure Rylan wanted to do. He might have restraint. I have none. I can feel my blood surging through my body, a new awareness that no doubt comes from Wolf’s bloodline. Part of me screams to control these foreign powers, but I can’t think straight with Malachi fucking me like this.

I close my eyes as yet another orgasm bears down on me. I’m so focused my pleasure, I almost miss the scent of smoke.

Then I’m coming, and I know nothing at all.


“You havegotto stop fucking me until I pass out.” I watch the smoke waft from the remains of the little fire I apparently set when I orgasmed.

Wolf smothered it with a pillow and now he’s trailing his fingers through the smoke with a grin on his face. “Remember when you gave Malachi grief for doing this very thing?”

I groan. “In my defense, he burned a ring around us and nearly collapsed the entire floor. You three might survive a little bit of being burned alive, but I won’t.”

“You will.” Rylan trails a finger over my claws. “I may be wrong, but after last night, I’d wager not much can kill you.”

Easy for him to say. I try to frown, but the expression won’t stick. I’m too content. “You literally almost killed me…two days ago?” Was it two days? Three? I’m not sure anymore. We hardly kept a regular schedule in the first place, but all the running has messed up my internal clock. Being in a house carved into the interior of a mountain isn’t helping, either.

“That was two days ago.” He pricks his thumb on my claw and lifts it to press to my lips.

The blood zings through me. My mouth tingles, and I have to work to restrain myself from trying to bite him. My teeth aren’t like a vampire’s. I’ll just gnaw on him without some help from a blade.

Or my claws.

Rylan grins as if he can read my thoughts. “Go ahead.”

I waste no time scrambling up to straddle his stomach. After the smallest consideration, I lightly drag my pointer finger down the center of his throat, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. Delight courses through me. I don’t need the men to cut themselves for me any longer. I can do it myself. I grin and lean down to drag my tongue up his throat.

“Don’t get him riled up again, little dhampir.” Malachi lays next to us on his back, his head propped on his arm. “We need to leave the bed and do some training.”

“I don’t want to train,” I murmur against Rylan’s skin. It’s not quite the truth; I know training is vital, both the combat and now magic. But it’s hard to remember that with Rylan’s hand on the back of my neck, lightly massaging me as I drink from him in little sips.

“Up, Mina.”

I groan a little, but I obey. It’s only when I’m standing that I get a good look at the bed. “We are going to owe the owner of this house so much money.”

“It’s fine.” Malachi rises and disappears into the closet. He comes back into the bedroom a moment later dressed in a pair of gym shorts and carrying workout clothing for me—leggings, a bra, and a tank top.

I pull the clothing on, but pause when Rylan and Wolf make no move to do the same. “Aren’t you two coming?”

Wolf drops onto the bed and rolls until he’s pressed against Rylan’s side. “Oh, someone will becoming.” He reaches down and closes his hand around Rylan’s cock.

“Insatiable,” Malachi mutters.