If my father transports them, the bond will react poorly.


I pick up my pace, hurrying through the cave in the only direction I can walk. Maybe under other circumstances, I’d marvel at the cold beauty of this place or consider how it makes me feel like I’ve left our world behind entirely.

It takes less time that I would have guessed for me to see a sliver of light ahead. I click off the flashlight and move forward slowly, all too aware that this might be yet another trap. If my father was able to find the other entrances, surely he could find this one?

Except when I step out into the sunlight and turn back to look at the cave entrance, it’s nearly invisible. And I’m standing six inches from it. Someone would have to truly know it was here to find it.


I consider my options. I know where my father will take my men. He rarely ventures out of his compound to begin with, and it’s more than equipped to keep captives. It’s hardly the first time he’s tried something of the sort.

I suppose I’ll have to try to keep pace with them as best I can to avoid the bond lashing at all of us. I’m not sure what will happen if they’re taken too far from me, but I don’t want them to suffer while we find out.

A branch cracks somewhere off to my left. I react on instinct, crouching down next to a bush and holding my breath.

“I can see you, you know. That’s a godawful hiding spot.”

A feminine voice. It’s not familiar, but I hardly know all my father’s people by voice alone. “If you come closer, I’ll kill you.”

“Cute, but I don’t think so.” A woman steps into view. I blink like a fool in response. She’s a tall white woman with a mass of wavy brown hair and an athletic build, clothed in what looks like military gear designed to camouflage the wearer. The gun slung over her shoulder isn’t her only weapon. I count at least three knifes that I can see, one long enough that it might be termed a sword.

She’s also human.

She eyes me. “You’re Rylan’s seraph.”

Surprise flares. I wouldn’t have thought he’d tell anyone about my identity or what that might mean between the two of us. “Who are you to him?”

“A friend. Sort of.” She lifts her gaze to the mountain behind me. “I take it things went poorly. The alarms have been blaring since those assholes breached my security. Where is he?”

“They took him.” I can feel him moving, but there’s a sluggish nature to the bond that makes me suspect they drugged him. I don’t know what drug can incapacitate a vampire, but of course my father is aware of it and has it on hand. “They took all of them.”

“Well, fuck.”

“That about sums it up.” I twist, trying to estimate the growing distance. We have miles and miles to play with, but I’m on foot and they’ll be in a car before too long. “I have to go.”

She narrows inky eyes at me. “I don’t suppose you have a plan.”

Not even close. “Of course. I’m not going to let him harm them.”

The woman sighs. “I guess I’m at your disposal, at least for transport and the like. Though I’m not storming any castles for you, princess.”

I can’t afford to trust her, but at the same time, I can’t afford to reject any help out of hand. “Why would you help me?”

“My family owes Rylan a debt we can never repay.” She doesn’t say it like she’s happy about it. “Since I’m the matriarch of the family now, that means it’s on me to keep balancing the scales.”

I eye her. I’m hardly an expert on humans, but she doesn’t look much older than me. “Whoareyou?”

“Oh. That.” She adjusts the position of the gun across her back and offers her hand. “Grace Jaeger. I’m a monster hunter.”

I shake her hand, feeling numb. “Wouldn’t you consider me one of the monsters?”

“Definitely.” She says it so easily. “But, like I said, the whole debt to Rylan thing means you’re safe enough with me.”

I’m out of options. I run my hand through my hair. “We have to follow them. Do you have a vehicle?”

“Come on.”