I finally nod. “It will be safe there?”

“Safe enough.” He shrugs. “What happens after that is up to the four of you. My help ends with the transfer.”

He looks like he’s about to leave, but I find myself speaking before he can pull a disappearing act. “Azazel.”

He waits, eyes dark and far too knowing. It would be so easy to let fear silence me, but I breathe through it and say, “If Grace is hurt because of the deal she made with you, I’ll find a way to kill you myself.” Maybe it’s an impossible task, but I’ll do what I can to repay that debt.

His lips curve, though his eyes remain cold. “As long as she follows the rules, she’ll be fine.”

If Grace finds out someone in that realm was the reason her mother never returned, she might murder them. Or at least try. I don’t know her well enough to know for sure. Maybe she’ll try to kill Azazel himself. The thought has me fighting back another shiver. “She made that deal because of me.”

“If you say so. Seems like she was intent on it for her own purposes.” He cocks his head to the side as if listening to something I can’t hear. “Don’t linger here. They’ll be searching the area shortly.” Then he’s gone, sinking into the shadows on the floor as if stepping into a deep pool of water. It’s more disconcerting than when he just disappears in a flood of darkness.

I test the floor, now clear of shadows, and it feels solid enough. “Creepy.”

I don’t know what to think of Azazel’ssupplemental shield, but it’s a worry for another day. At this point, I have alotof worries for later dates. There’s no help for it. I need to gather what few things I have and get out of here. The card feels strange against my palm, a faint pulse coming from it.


I shouldn’t be surprised that it’s possible. In the last couple weeks, I’ve seen plenty of things that I’d previously thought impossible. With all that said, this feels particularly fantastical. I shake my head and make quick work of packing up anything that could link me to this room. There’s the blood on the floor, but I can’t do much about that without burning the place down, and I’m not willing to do that. My father isn’t able to track from some old blood.

Even he was, he wouldn’t have to tear up the carpet in this hotel room to have access to my blood. I left plenty of it behind in his compound over the years, originating with one punishment or another. I shake off the dark thoughts and throw the last few things in my bag.

My gaze tracks to the desk where Grace’s weapons are laid out. I can’t leave them. When we spoke about deals, Azazel made it sound like timed moved differently in the other realm, so seven years might pass in a matter of months or even days. If Grace returns that quickly on our side of things, I want her to have her weapons. It’s the absolute least I can do.

As I carefully pack them into the duffel bag she’d brought in, I notice a few of the knives are missing. Two daggers and one that’s long enough to be a short sword. I laughed when I first saw it and asked her if she planned on fighting any Spartans. She hadn’t been amused.

I didn’t even see her grab them during that short conversation with Azazel before she made her deal. Maybe she’d already had them on her. Or maybe she was better at sleight of hand than I could have imagined. I press my lips together.I hope you know what you’re getting into.

After slinging both bags over my shoulders, I grab the card and examine it. He said I just need to concentrate, which sounds deceptively simple. Everything about magic is deceptively simple.

Just reach for it.

Just imagine what you want it to do.

Just let it do what it’s meant to do.

I snort and press the card to my chest. Nothing happens. Of course nothing happens. Why would anything magical I attempt actually work on the first try? I take a slow breath and close my eyes. The desire to leave, to see my men again, whole and healthy, slams into me so hard, it makes me dizzy. I choke on a ragged inhale and the world seems to go sickeningly liquid for half a beat.

When I open my eyes, I’m somewhere else.

I turn a slow circle, taking in the relatively normal living room I now stand in. It looks like something out of a sitcom. Small and cozy with furniture that has a lived-in kind of feel. A staircase leads up to the second floor and I can see the kitchen through the doorway in the back of the room. Another turn shows what appears to be a front door.

The bags go on the low coffee table. I pad to the front door to peer out the windows on either side. I’d half expected to find a street with rows of nearly identical houses, but there is only a gravel driveway leading down a hill into dark trees. Not a single light breaks up the growing darkness, though in the distance I can see what appears to be a town. I exhale slowly. Good. With this house being so isolated, it means there’s less chance of innocents getting caught in the cross fire if my father’s people find us again.

Less chances of close neighbors asking questions about weird sights and sounds, too.

I do a quick search of the house, but there’s nothing worth noting. A few bedrooms with large beds, a deceptively nice shower, a modern kitchen with a fridge and pantry packed with food. I pause there, considering. My stomach is cramping with hunger and I feel a little woozy, but I have energy for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. “Maybe this supplemental shield will help with the morning sickness?” I murmur.

Ten minutes later, I have my answer as I puke up the few crackers I managed to choke down. Damn it.

I drag myself to the living room to dig out my toothbrush so I can scrub the taste out of my mouth. That done, I circle back to the fridge. Food is right out, but I had seen some electrolyte-packed drinks in there. Maybe that will help.

A thud from the living room has me spinning around.

I rush through the doorway to find Azazel standing over my three men as if he just dumped them in a pile. Azazel brushes his hands together as if dusting them off. “Good luck.” Then he disappears in a surge of shadows.

I don’t hesitate, I drop my drink and rush toward the men. “Are you okay?”