Page 91 of Blowback


“And if you can come up with a way to get us out of here, let me know.”

Noa says, “I’m working on it.”



THE DOOR TO his cell is unlocked, and Benjamin Lucas is resting on his right side, the aches and throbbing pain exhausting him. Whatever comfort the two Extra Strength Tylenol Chin gave to him earlier has worn off. His eyes flutter open and he sees two men walk in, and then he closes his eyes.

To hell with them both.

He’s not going to greet them, and if they want to talk to him, they can go first.

They start talking in Mandarin and Benjamin recognizes the voices: Han Yuanchao, the Chinese intelligence officer who had first talked to him here, and Chang Wanquan, the little shit who had tuned him up yesterday with that thick cricket bat.

Yuanchao says,Who gave you the authority to come in here and torture this prisoner? I couldn’t believe what I heard. Which is why I had to see for myself what you did.

Wanquan replies,There was no torture. He attacked me and I responded. I know he is a trained CIA operative, quite dangerous. What else should I have done?

Amazing coincidence that the surveillance system in this cell failed at that moment you entered.

Wanquan says,It has its problems, you know that.

And what was your intent in questioning the prisoner without my permission?

You were unavailable. I wanted to see for myself a captured CIA operative.

And did you get your questions answered?Yuanchao asks.

No,the younger officer says smugly,but I got what I wanted.

To hurt him? Perhaps to kill him?

Wanquan says,If and when he is returned to the Americans, I want them to see what happens—personally—if you work against us.

Fool,Yuanchao says.Suppose you had put him in a coma? Or killed him? What value would he have then to us?

Benjamin keeps his eyes closed, his breathing regular.

Wanquan says,Why are you babying this man? Why do you protect him so?

Benjamin hears footsteps as Yuanchao heads to the door.

Because he is vital to us, and to the Americans.

Vital how? He’s just a spy, nothing notable about him.

You are wrong,Yuanchao says, knocking at the door.He’s the key to it all.

The key to what?

Preventing World War Three,Yuanchao says. The door is opened and closed and locked, and Benjamin opens his eyes.

Preventing World War Three.
