Page 37 of His Favorite

“Feels so good,” she moaned.

“So fucking good,” he agreed, slamming her against the shower wall and driving into her over and over again.

Tam dug her nails into his back, breaking skin as she moved closer to her climax.

“You are mine, Tamryn. I’m never going to let you go. This pussy belongs to me and me alone.”

She met his blue gaze and nodded in agreement. “And you belong to me as well, Seamus Haggerty, every hard inch of you.”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

She screamed as her orgasm hit her with a force that took her breath away.

“God, I love you.” She whispered as he turned off the water carried her out of the shower and into the bedroom.

Seamus gently lay her on the bed with a reverence that made her heart skip a beat. “Be right back.” He headed back to the bathroom but returned shortly with a towel and slowly began to dry her off. Once he was finished he wiped himself down and climbed onto the bed with her.

Tam willingly went into Seamus’s arms when she held them open for her. “I can’t believe this is real. Things like this don’t happen to me. I never thought I’d find someone who loved me for me. I never knew my father and like I’ve told you before, at best I was an afterthought to my mother and at other times, it felt like she actually hated me for being born. Life on the streets hasn’t always been easy either. And then the incident with Rico happened…but the moment I lost all hope was sitting in the corner of Big D’s office listening to him discuss me with his men. They talked about me as if I wasn’t there and about what to do with me and how much money they could make off of me. I knew there was no escaping that life because I’ve seen girls who were trafficked and most of the time, their only way out was either through luck or death. But then you came along and gave me back my hope. Working at the Devil’s Den wasn’t my ideal career choice, but it was much better than being on the streets and I had the right of refusal. But you had other plans for me, didn’t you? You never intended for me to be with anyone other than you, did you?”

He nodded. “I tried to treat you like any of the other girls, but after that first night, I left instructions with Natalia that you weren’t to be with anyone else. That she had even set you up with a psychopath who had been banned was her way of getting back at me for not entertaining her delusions. The truth is, when I dropped you off there, you were free to leave anytime you wanted. I just never told you because I didn’t want to let you go. I’m sorry that I did that to you.”

“Don’t apologize, because if we’re being completely honest with each other, I didn’t want to leave especially after our first time together. So what now? I no longer work at the Devil’s Den.”

“You’ll stay with me of course and I’m going to make sure you get your degree like you’ve always wanted. And within the next few months, I’ll have made my last shipment of weapons and all of my future business dealings will be legal.”

“Will you miss being a feared underworld boss?”

“No. It was a life I was born into and I’ve never been that fond of it. It’s too stressful, constantly looking over my shoulder and paying off the right people to look the other way. Besides, it occupies too much of my time and my legitimate ventures already take up enough of it. So any spare time I have, I want to spend with you. I want to help you make your dreams come true.”

Tears welled in Tam’s eyes. “I feel like I’m going to wake up and this will all just be a dream.”

Seamus pressed his lips against hers before pulling away. “Does that feel like a dream to you?”

Tam smiled. “I don’t know, why don’t you kiss me again?”

This time his kiss was more forceful making her tingle all over. Finally when he broke the tight seal of their lips, he dragged his tongue across her bottom lip. “How about that?”

“Much better.” She cupped the side of his face. “I love you, Seamus.”

“I love you too, my beautiful Tamryn.”

“Thank you for rescuing me.”

He shook his head. “No. I didn’t rescue you. You rescued me.”

Like Seamus had pointed out before, neither of them knew what the future held, but she was excited to experience it with him by her side.

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