Page 47 of Covet

I was surprised Nick had yet to confront me yet. Maybe he realized his rule was stupid and decided to no longer enforce it. I showered and put on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top before heading downstairs to start on dinner. I made rigatoni in fresh homemade marinara sauce and a grilled chicken breast with a side of sautéed string beans.

Nick still didn’t appear, and I had no plans to seek him out. I didn’t think I was equipped to deal with another confrontation. I put his plate in the microwave for when he finally showed up, and I fixed something for myself.

Maybe I was just really hyper aware because Nick barely made any noise when he walked, but I heard his feet stalking against the hardwood floor of the kitchen.

Without a word, he took the seat across from me. I popped out of my seat to heat his food. I was nervous in case he decided to have another episode like at breakfast a few days ago. With shaky hands, I placed his dinner in front of him.

He examined it for several moments before digging in. When I was certain he would toss it on the ground like the last time, I relaxed and took my seat. We ate in silence. He’d barely acknowledged me, and his expression was unreadable.

Even as I ate, the tension refused to leave my shoulders as I waited. The food went into my mouth, but I tasted nothing because my stomach was tied in knots. His movements reminded me of a calm cobra who eyed his prey looking for the right time to strike.

Finally he pushed his meal away and stood up and headed out the kitchen, but he stopped and turned around.

“Oh, I was wondering where you were today, by the way.”

I froze. This was it. “I had a few errands to run.” It wasn’t a lie, but I’m sure it wasn’t the answer he was looking for.

Nick seemed to consider my answer for a moment before stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Hmm.” He then walked out the kitchen without a word.

That seemed a bit too good to be true. Maybe he really didn’t mind my leaving today. I had tried to ask him, but I didn’t see him much even though we were both in the house. I wasn’t allowed to enter his office while he occupied it, and that’s where he spent most of his time.

After cleaning the kitchen, I headed to my room and changed into my night set which consisted of an oversized sleepshirt and a pair of boy shorts. It wasn’t terribly late, but I was exhausted. I dozed off as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I snuggled under the covers having a restful sleep when I felt them violently being ripped off me. Still half sleep, I didn’t have a chance to open my eyes before I was I was doused in something wet and ice cold.

“Ahhhh!” I jumped out of bed as body responded to the sudden stimulation.

An expressionless Nick stood near holding a bucket.

“What the hell, Nick!”

“I don’t know if you enjoy defying me, or you’re just that stupid. What was one of the rules I gave you?”

“I know I’m not supposed to go outside without your permission, but this was an emergency. I needed—”

“I’m really not interested in your excuses. The only thing I need you to do now is strip and come to my room. Two minutes and counting. If I have to come back to get you, this won’t go well. If you even consider running, everything I plan for you will be ten times worse. That is not a threat; that is a promise. Do you understand?”

I could only nod. This man was a true psychopath. Did I really want to test him when my situation was so dire? My teeth chattered as I nodded in acknowledgement.

“I know intelligence isn’t your strong suit, but I know you can speak. I want to hear the words, Frankie.”

“Yes, I understand.” My words came out a lot more aggressively than I intended, but there was no way I could hold back the anger and hopelessness welling in my chest. This was only the end of the first week, and I had already cried myself to sleep every single night. How was I going to make it through another seven weeks of this crap?

“Two minutes,” he reminded me and turned on his heels leaving me with my now cold night clothes clinging to my body like a second skin. I peeled my way out of them, but I was still freezing. I wanted to grab my blanket and wrap it around me to warm up, but it too was wet. Just when I didn’t think he could come up with any other ways to torture me, Nick found a way.

Eve Vaughn's Novels