They said their goodbyes to Stavros and he went back to the helicopter. Within a few minutes Ruby watched it take off and rise into the sky, and finally disappear in the distance. This was it—she was finally alone with Lucas. On a private island, no less.

The newly constructed villa was set on a freshly landscaped area a few hundred metres from the main beach. Ruby shielded her eyes from the blinding sunlight and looked critically at the design. She was no architect, but it was impossible to find fault with it.

The lines were modern and minimalist, a pavilion-style design, and it was built on one level. The front of the villa overlooked a large infinity pool that was only a few steps from the main living area. The use of local stone made the villa blend perfectly into the setting. And, while the garden was still in its infancy, the same stone had been used in the terraced areas, softened by lush greenery here and there.

It was quite easily the most luxurious setting she had ever seen, and the thought that Lucas could not see it and might never do so was particularly poignant.

‘It’s gorgeous, Lucas. Did you design it yourself?’

‘Yes—with a bit of help from a friend who’s a building architect.’

‘It’s a beautiful setting with the forest behind. I can smell the pines from here. And don’t get me started about the pool... I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more inviting one.’

‘I’m glad you like it.’ He reached down to brush his hand against one of the newly planted shrubs near the front entrance. ‘These will grow in time. It’ll take a year or two to get the garden the way I want it. But gardening is always about patience.’

‘I like how you’ve made the villa blend into the landscape. A lot of modern buildings can look a little out of place, but not this one. I can’t wait to see inside.’

Lucas waved a hand in the direction of the entrance. ‘Come this way. Stavros has opened up and taken our luggage inside. Let’s have a cool drink and then you can have a look around.’

‘Sounds like a plan.’

Ruby walked with him inside the front entrance of the villa. The floor inside was of stunning polished marble, in cream and beige tones that reminded her of sand patterns on the shoreline. The view from the full-length windows was spectacular, as beyond the of the pool it faced the stunning blue of the ocean with its fringe of powder-white sand. The interior walls were painted a chalk-white, and to balance it, the light fittings were in a modern minimalist style and matte black. The furniture was also modern and streamlined, but there were classical touches here and there that gave the villa a lovely balance of old and new, adding a depth of character than a brand-new home often lacked.

Ruby let out a breath of awe. ‘Oh, my goodness, it’s so beautiful...’

A smile curved his mouth and her heart gave a little flick-kick. He was so devastatingly attractive when he smiled. It relaxed his sternly cast features and made him seem more approachable.

‘The kitchen is through there.’ He pointed to the right of the living area that overlooked the pool. ‘I’d offer to help, but—’

‘Don’t be silly—it’s what I’m here for. Why don’t you wait on the terrace for me? Do you need help getting out there?’

‘No.’ A note of pride entered his tone and his features tightened into a brooding frown. ‘I think I can manage not to tumble into the pool.’

‘I’m sorry...’ She bit her lip. ‘I didn’t mean to—’

‘Don’t apologise.’ He released a short gust of air and twisted his mouth in a rueful line, the harsh lines on his face relaxing slightly. ‘I guess I didn’t expect to be here for the first time after the build under these circumstances.’

‘It must be horrendously frustrating for you.’

‘It more ways than the obvious.’

The enigmatic quality to his words made her skin tingle. Was he referring to their almost-kiss on the helicopter?

Ruby found the kitchen and set about organising some refreshments from the supplies his staff had delivered. Within a few minutes she had tall glasses of fresh juice and a fruit and cheese platter on a tray. She carried it out to where Lucas was sitting on one of two sun lounger chairs next to the pool. The roof of the villa jutted out over them, to bring much-needed shade to the sun-drenched terrace.

Ever the well-bred gentleman, he rose when he heard her approach. ‘Did you find everything all right?’

‘Yes—there’s no shortage of food or drink, that’s for sure. Here we go.’ Ruby set the tray on the table between the two loungers and then handed him a glass of juice.

‘Thank you.’ He waited until she took her seat before he sat in his. Then he crossed one muscled leg over his bent knee and lifted his glass to his lips.

Ruby found it hard not to stare at him, taking in every one of his features—the way his lips moved against the rim of the glass, the way the strong column of his throat moved up and down as he swallowed, the way his long, tanned fingers held the frosted glass... It made her wonder how it would feel to have those fingers touching her intimately.

Her inner core tightened, moistened, pulsed with a clawing longing, and she crossed her legs to try and suppress the wayward desires.

‘Tell me what you can see right now.’

Lucas’s deep voice jolted her out of her study of him.