‘I don’t think anyone has ever used those three words in relation to me before.’

‘I find that hard to believe.’

There was a beat or two of silence. A silence that had an anticipatory element, like a long-held breath while someone waited for an important announcement.

Lucas brushed his fingertips over her closed eyelids. ‘I thought you would’ve peeked by now.’

‘I’m tempted.’

‘So am I.’

Something about the cryptic quality of his tone sent another shiver rolling down her spin. Then he cradled her face in both of his hands, his touch light and yet possessive.

‘Are you asking me to kiss you?’

‘I’m not asking you to do anything you don’t want to do.’

Ruby slipped her arms around his waist, abandoning her pride in her quest to feel his mouth on hers, emboldened by the feeling sweeping through her body. The desire licking along her veins was sending heat to all of her erogenous zones. A blistering heat that made her aware of every inch of her flesh—especially where it was in contact with his.

Lucas brought his mouth down to hers in a kiss that was as soft as the landing of a breeze-blown leaf. He lifted it off, but then came back down with greater pressure, his lips moving against hers in a sensual manner that sent every female hormone in her body into a happy dance. He made a sound deep in his throat...a guttural sound that was as primal as an animal growl...and then he deepened the kiss with a commanding thrust of his tongue.

Ruby opened to him with a gasp of delight, her legs almost going from beneath her as desire hit her like a tidal wave. His tongue danced and duelled with hers, teasing her senses into overdrive. His hands were still cradling her face, his lips locked on hers, and their bodies were close enough for her to feel every deliciously hard ridge of his.

His lips moved with greater urgency against hers, his tongue playing cat-and-mouse with hers in darting thrusts that sent heat flowing to her core like molten lava. He shifted position, letting his hands fall away from her face to gather her closer by grasping her by the hips. She gasped at the intimate contact with his bold erection, wanting him with a need that was unlike anything she had experienced in the past.

Lucas suddenly broke the kiss with a muttered curse, releasing his hold on her. He pushed his hair back from his face with a rough hand that didn’t appear too steady.

‘I didn’t bring you here to seduce you.’

There was anger in his voice, but she sensed it was directed at himself, not her.

Ruby licked her lips and tasted the sexy salt of his kiss. ‘I know.’ She smothered her disappointment behind an airy, light-hearted tone. ‘You and me, right? Likethatcould ever work.’ She moved away to pick up her fruit juice, adding, ‘I’m going to have a little scout around before I make dinner. Is there anything I can get you in the meantime?’

‘No.’ His lips were set in a grim line and he added after a stiffly released breath, ‘Thank you.’

She had only taken half a dozen steps when his voice stopped her in her tracks. ‘Ruby?’

Ruby turned to look at him. ‘Yes?’

He released a long, jagged breath, his expression as hard and impenetrable as the stonework beneath his feet. ‘It won’t happen again.’

It must not happen again, Lucas determined once Ruby’s footsteps had faded into the distance.

He was furious with himself for giving in to a moment of weakness—a moment of sensual madness that could only backfire if he allowed it free rein. He could still taste her on his lips...the sweet milk and honey taste that had made his senses spin out of control. He was wary of allowing any dalliance between them. Not because of their history per se, but because he wasn’t the knight in shining armour she was looking for.

But it didn’t mean he didn’t want her.

He did. Damnably so.

But just because he wanted something it didn’t mean he could have it. He of all people should know that by now.

Like most people, he had taken his sight for granted, never once dreaming it might be taken from him—even temporarily. His career had been built around his ability to see. The career he loved and had worked so hard to build to this point was hanging by the hope that his sight would be restored. He couldn’t envisage continuing as a landscape architect without his vision. Nor could he bear the thought of his condition being media fodder—yet another Rothwell scandal to sell newspapers and gossip magazines. His parents’ behaviour throughout his life had put a target on his back. Anything he did, anywhere he went, anyone he associated with drew the press to him like bees to pollen.

This week on his private island was meant to be a way for him to get away from Rothwell Park while it was being cleaned in preparation for Delphine Rainbird’s wedding. To rest, to recuperate, to regroup. Not to indulge in a fling with Ruby Pennington...even if the desire to do so was burning a hole in the armour of his self-control like a blowtorch on butter.

Lucas lifted his face to the sun, smelled the spicy scent of the cypress pines behind the villa redolent in the air. He had only been to the island once before he’d bought it several months ago. He had been too busy juggling various large projects across the globe. How ironic that now he finally had the time to be here he couldn’t see a damn thing other than vague shapes. He was a details guy—a perfectionist who prided himself on delivering a high standard on every task he set himself.

He knew many blind people lived happy and fulfilling lives, but he couldn’t get his head around being one of them.