He had been fighting his attraction to her because he hadn’t wanted any more complications in his life. But this week together on his island would be a perfect solution to scratch the itch, so to speak, and move on. End of story. No follow-ups. No promises. No relationship. No commitment.

‘You’re still wearing your chinos. I want to see you.Allof you.’

Ruby wound her arms around his body, leaning into him, her nakedness thrilling him to the core. Her breasts were soft and warm against his chest, her lower body flush against his. She planted a kiss to his lips, a barely touching, teasing kiss that only ramped up his desire for more.

‘That’s easily fixed.’

Lucas pulled away just long enough to step out of the rest of his clothes, including his loafers. He could sense her eyes moving over every inch of him, and he waited with bated breath for her to touch him. The anticipation was intense. His body was poised, thick with blood, with pounding need, and his heart was hammering like a piston, his breathing increasingly ragged. Had he ever been this turned on before? Had anyone got him so worked up? Was it because of who she was? Someone he had known for a long time? Someone he had seen grow from child to woman?

Someone he could no longer ignore.

He couldn’t see her clearly, but he could feel every sweet curve of her body. He could feel the silky texture of her skin and how it sent searing heat through his own. How could he have thought he’d be able to resist her touch? How could he have thought he had a hope of keeping his physical distance when his body craved her like a drug?

But he could still keep his emotional distance—just as he always did in his flings. He assured himself that this fling with Ruby would be no different, even though a tiny corner of his mind beeped a tiny warning sound...

He ignored it.

Ruby placed her hand on the middle of his chest, then slowly, achingly, torturously slowly, sent it down lower, lower, lower...until it was just above his groin.

‘You’re so...big...’ There was a note of awe in her voice.

‘I’ll take things slowly if you’re nervous.’

‘I’m not nervous,’ she said, wrapping her hand around his tight length. ‘I’m excited.’

Lucas shuddered at her electrifying touch. Her soft hand moved up and down, her finger rolling over the head of his erection where pre-ejaculatory fluid oozed.

‘Condom.’ His voice came out hoarse, as if his tonsils had been filed with a blacksmith’s rasp. ‘I need a condom.’

‘Where are they?’

‘In my wallet.’

Where the hell had he put his wallet? His mind was suddenly blank. He was so aroused there wasn’t enough blood going to his brain to get it to function.

‘I’ve found it.’ Ruby moved to the bedside table and he heard her take a condom from his wallet, and then the soft thud as she dropped the wallet back on the table. ‘Here we go.’

She came back to him and pressed the tiny packet into his hand.

‘Why don’t you put it on me?’


He could imagine her biting down on her lower lip in concentration. He listened as she opened the packet, and then shivered in delight as she rolled the condom over him.

Lucas pulled her close and clamped his lips down on hers, gliding his tongue through her lips to tango with hers in a sexy duel that sent his senses into overdrive. His cupped her neat bottom with his hands, guiding her womanhood against his erection, wanting her so fiercely it was like a fever in his blood.

He finally lifted his mouth off hers, his breathing heavy. He took her hand and pulled her down to the bed. Once she was lying there he came down beside her, balancing his weight on one elbow, his other hand caressing her left breast.

‘This is the first time I’ve made love with someone since my surgery.’ Lucas wasn’t sure why he was revealing such information to her, but it had come out in a moment of unguardedness.

That tinybeep-beep-beepin the dark corner of his mind sounded again.Get physically close, not emotionally close.But it was hard to keep his emotional distance with Ruby. She got under his guard like smoke under a locked door.

‘Are you nervous?’ The twin chord of concern and surprise in her soft voice made something in his chest contract.

‘Not really. I’ve been making love long enough to be able to do it with my eyes closed. But it’s different somehow.’

‘Different in what way?’